Becker is garbage - Page 6

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  • #164063

    Seriously I’m boycotting Becker for life

    BEC- 80
    REG- 68, 71, July
    AUD- 61 , 84
    FAR- -- 75 🙂

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  • #338566

    I purchased the 2012 wiley audit book and will use only that to study for my audit test next month

    I guarantee a passing grade, you can count on it. And then I'm going to send becker an email flaming their course

    BEC- 80
    REG- 68, 71, July
    AUD- 61 , 84
    FAR- -- 75 🙂



    well said. Im taking a different approach next time

    BEC- 80
    REG- 68, 71, July
    AUD- 61 , 84
    FAR- -- 75 🙂


    I'm sure they'll file that scathing editorial directly into the the circular file.


    what's the statistic that something like 80-85% of us all eventually cross the CPA finish line? No doubt you can do this.

    licensed CPA


    i personally like becker self study. it worked for me, passed all 4 sections within 6 months on my 1st try, after putting my life “on hold”. i like the structure of having a study plan and knowing what i needed to do each day. it doesnt work for everyone, but its certainly not garbage.

    AUD | 85
    REG | 77
    FAR | 76
    BEC | 83
    ETH | 93
    State Board Application pending!


    After reading these post I do feel better but I want to put my 2 cents in. I just got my score today for FARS and failed with 71. I spend 2 months study FULL- TIME almost 8 hours a day and took 11 practice exams. I had no distractions of a job or family. Like some others have mentioned, I left the exam feeling pretty confident that I passed so I know the shock and disgust feeling when you find out you didn't. It really angers me when I see some folks saying they barely touch the sims and passed with an 80. Now I'm not trying to blame anyone but it does raise some questionable flags with the curve speculation. Going back to what goodluck2everyone said they you get screwed in the last testing window. I will say that in Yaeger CPA review, one of the instructors did mention that they have a 50% threshold for people passing because they want to keep this a highly desirable designation. (I don't remember which lecture this was but it is in FARS 2011 home study) This was stated by a college professor. After hearing other people's stories of studying 400 hours an not passing, it just seems suspicious to me. I didn't do as well in the sims either but I felt I did enough to pass. I took FARS Nov 2011 and I won't ever take an exam at the end of the year again. I felt like I did really good on the MC and well enough on sims to pass. I didn't just half way study, I poured my heart into it. I'm extremely disappointed but I won't give up. I know most people have to take it twice but most people are also working a full time job and trying to study, I got the advantage of not working so I could solely focus on this.


    exactly my point, in no way do I feel like I only possess 61 points worth of audit knowledge. I can lecture a class on audit today and do fine and get high scores on practice tests the first time around. So how in the hell did I score so low? (hint: curve and/or becker sucks)

    BEC- 80
    REG- 68, 71, July
    AUD- 61 , 84
    FAR- -- 75 🙂


    Wow, you are so clueless.


    LOL.. I must say that Minimorty is the best part of this site. Dude/chick tells it how it is, gives you good answers when you ask GOOD questions. I vote that he gets his own place on the site. “Ask Morty”.

    For everyone else. Becker is not the problem. It works day in and day out for so many people taking the exam. The first person you should look at is your self.

    Yes, the material on the exam is tough. It should be for the designation prestige. But, the reason why most of the people fail is not because they do not KNOW the material its because they screw up little things on the exam. Every question on the exam has 2-3 answers that look like they could be correct. Dont blow your load just b/c you say wow there is an answer that resembles what i think the answer looks like, read the rest of them and dont get caught by them exam tricks.

    To me that is the answer to the why do I make 70,71,72,73,74 when I know all the material. Its b/c you know that material but you are not applying the material correctly and efficiently.

    If it was easy everybody would be a CPA.

    BEC - 81 11/30/11 Praise God
    FAR - 84 7/11/11
    AUD -70,64,72, IM DONE!! 90 7/5/12
    REG - 84 10/07/11


    ^^^^^ what hawk said above.

    Use whatever program you like, but know that your own input is far more important than any other factor. Try to look at the material from additional perspectives is my only (albeit unsolicited) advice to you. Do not expect different results with the same type of input from you, even with a different study program. Good luck!


    I would blame the CPA exam for being so tricky and costing money to take 🙁




    YA!! I agree, if the CPA exam is free (or at least free to retakek cause you already paid for it once) that will be awesome 😀 I studied like crazy for my second time audit because I don't want to pay another what $2XX for the test + $65 application fee or something.


    my point on this CPA exam is…you can afford to miss a difficult question, but you can NOT afford to miss an easy one! always paid more attention and time on the first testlet to ensure you read the question correctly. I think the first testlet is the most important one, it's like a platform to decide how low or high you can go from there…



    me 2, I spent most of my time in the first testlet. pretty sure i passed REG because I did so well in the first testlet, the second and the third testlets I completely guessed almost half of them and ran out of time for sims.


    I think Becker is best with a supplemental like Wiley online testbank. But that's probably true for any review course.

    B 2/12 87
    A 11/11 90
    R 8/11 86
    F 5/12 88

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