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  • #164347

    Becker Question –

    I missed Goodluck’s blame-shifting…that, plus I like to stir the pot.


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  • #338378

    I'm from the Becker fan club too. My company paid for it, but I could choose the review. I chose Becker based on their reputation. I passed all four on my first try, all with comfortable scores, even though I didn't really do everything I was supposed to.

    BEC – 82

    FAR – 86

    AUD – 86

    REG – 84 (left one sim blank)

    Thanks, Becker!!!


    I was (and always will be) too cheap to shell out for Becker but if my employer paid for study material it likely would have been my first choice.

    What cracked me up in the other thread was the post about “not needing all that hand holding to grasp a concept” while complaining that one failed due to lack of information LMAO!

    FAR- 77
    AUD -49, 71, 84
    REG -56,75!
    BEC -75

    Massachusetts CPA (non reporting) since 3/12.


    Most of the time when employers order CPA review they order Becker. I wonder why? O I know why, because Becker “sucks” and your employer wants you to fail.


    What is Becker? Is it free?



    how about you guys let me use your Becker??? then i will be able to give an opinion…lol 🙂


    I am also a member of the Becker Fan Club. It helped me get a 90 and a 99 on the first try for BEC and AUD! I have been using only Becker self-study and Becker Final Review. I am hoping that it will produce similar results for FAR and REG…


    Some of the Becker PDFs worked fine for me. Pretty cheap too. Books were easy to understand. Chapter questions were too easy but they usually are. I actually thought the 2011 FAR book was harder to get through but maybe that was just because it was FAR. Never liked the translation and remeasurment of exchange rates for the CFA exam either.


    @Acct, thank you! I'm still flying high from the victory and am now moving on to taking off that awful CPA weight.

    @atelery, I'm not sure if I congratulared you on your final pass!!! I'm so glad we both made it!

    FAR 88 (07/15/11)
    BEC 83 (08/31/11)
    AUD 81 (10/15/11)
    REG 83 (11/26/11)

    Used NIU Correspondence CPA Review



    Thanks and congrats back to you, I was so closed in guessing your score, 2 points away from a 85, remember I said you will get an 85, 😀 do I get a prize?? ^^ congrats again.


    You all are hilarious! And like to stir the pot! I'm glad Becker has worked for so many people. 🙂

    BTW … still no BEC score. 🙁

    @Mini…..should I ask if all scores in wave 2 fail? Or, would that be a stupid question? 🙂 Ha ha….. now I'm stiring the pot!! I am really just teasing mini. 🙂

    FAR- 63, 75
    AUD- 61, 78
    REG- 63, 74, 80
    BEC - 63, 61, 75!!!!! I'm done!!!!


    @Swan – lol. I forgot about that one. That question was an epic fail.


    I've never used Becker, but I feel like I belong here.

    FAR: 71, 77
    BEC: 70, 82
    AUD: 62, 78
    REG: 71, 68, 85

    CA Licensed 11/2011


    Ha mini! I can honestly say that the answer to that question is that I PASSED BEC AND I WAS IN THE 2ND WAVE!!!!! 🙂 Thank heavens for written communications!!! Did I mention I passed?

    FAR- 63, 75
    AUD- 61, 78
    REG- 63, 74, 80
    BEC - 63, 61, 75!!!!! I'm done!!!!


    Hilarious! I really liked Becker too and am one that needs things highlighted and underlined in order to draw my attention to them. I did self-study so it took me one exam to figure out that I had to go 100%+. Even though I cried after every exam, I guess I knew enough to pass!

    I about laughed out loud with @Jeff! I too loved using my upcoming exam as an excuse to avoid the in laws!

    I have to say that I kind of miss seeing Peter in his pink and purple shirts with white collars. Or Tim, precariously sitting in an armchair in full suit, selling the Final Review course.

    BEC - 72, 79 (credit expires 1/2/11)
    AUD - 82
    FAR - 84
    REG - 81!!! 11/30/11 I AM DONE!!!


    @kandisjoy, I'm with you!

    I have nothing against an individual wanting to vent and blaming a review course for poor coverage or whatnot but at some point there needs to be a realization that perhaps there is a flaw with that person's study methods. I just thought it was taking it a tad far to blame the timing of taking the exam and the curve. It's the equivalent of saying it's the fault of everyone that took said exam and passed it that others failed. Rather than complaining about a review course, reassess the situation get a new review course and move on. The score is not going to change anyway. All you can do is change the strategy and count on a better performance next time.

    FAR 88 (07/15/11)
    BEC 83 (08/31/11)
    AUD 81 (10/15/11)
    REG 83 (11/26/11)

    Used NIU Correspondence CPA Review

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