Becker HW Scores FAR

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  • #177376

    So…I’m scoring anywhere between 65%-84% on these Becker homework sections (first attempt scores and I’d say the median is in the 70’s range). I’m wrapping up F3 now. However, in the optional practice sections my first attempt scores for each of the 3 sections I’ve done now are in the 50’s range. I don’t know how I should be interpreting that, a lot of the questions in those sections are obscure and I swear one of them I saw was flat wrong or outdated.

    Anyone with similar scores? Did you pass FAR first shot?


    I did the sims for F1 but have not done many since as I keep being told that they are not useful. I do them here or there just to get a taste of the setup at the very least. I spend most my time on progress tests instead of sims now. Anyone have any opinions on that as well?

    FAR- 73, 10/07/2013
    REG- 8/31/2013
    AUD- TBD
    BEC- TBD

    Main: Becker Self-Study 2013. Supplements: Ninja / Wiley TB / CPAExcel (Bought before I received an offer).

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  • #411676

    I have not passed FAR yet, but my Becker scores were in the 70s for the other sections I passed.

    I'm doing a re-take of FAR at the end of May and am in section 4…good to know I'm not going too slow!

    AUD-84, REG-75, BEC-84, FAR-77

    Licensed CPA

    CIA Exam
    Part 1 - Passed
    Part 2 - Passed
    Part 3 - Passed


    I'm taking FAR May 31. I'm doing the MC for chapter 7 tonight and up to this point my scores are low 70's with chapter 3 being low 60's. I passed REG and never had a chapter above 75% on my first try.

    REG - 78
    BEC - 74, 67, 69, 69, 70, 79
    FAR - 76
    AUD - 69, 69, 69, 74, 85

    Licensed Louisiana CPA

    “You never fail until you stop trying.”
    ― Albert Einstein



    Well, you're definitely well ahead of me. This is your first attempt? Good luck to you!

    AUD-84, REG-75, BEC-84, FAR-77

    Licensed CPA

    CIA Exam
    Part 1 - Passed
    Part 2 - Passed
    Part 3 - Passed


    @ memmy29 – It's actually my second try but my first try was in 2010 which was before IFRS which is now a big part of FAR. So I'm having to study everything again because of how long ago I took the exam.

    REG - 78
    BEC - 74, 67, 69, 69, 70, 79
    FAR - 76
    AUD - 69, 69, 69, 74, 85

    Licensed Louisiana CPA

    “You never fail until you stop trying.”
    ― Albert Einstein


    @Jaimcpa do not loose hope. Keep practicing. I passed FAR in first attempt with 76 score on 1/28/13. I followed Becker mainly and supplemented with Wiley. I would advice that you do all the HW from becker and keep doing progress test after each chapter. Also keep doing problems from Wiley as well. I realized the more number of problems I practiced, it helped me more.

    Good luck. Its not impossible!!

    AUD Passed
    REG Passed
    FAR Passed
    BEC Passed

    PETH (CA Ethics) 64,74


    @Jaimcpa, your scores are not bad at all!

    I passed on the first attempt and had HW scores all over the board and a few similar to yours on the first round of studying. There were scores ranging from 100 to 56 (the lowest came when I was down with the flu but freaked me out so bad). After completing all lectures thru F-10, went back and did second round of MCQ + free cpareviewforfree questions, and consistently scored 80 – 95 depending on the lecture material and that was about the same that I've got on the actual exam.

    Materials may make more sense toward the completion of all lectures, i.e. some stuff introduced in earlier lectures will be further explained/reiterated in later lectures as far down as in F-10 and all of the sudden it may make more sense, it least it did for me and hence, the improved scores and timing

    Bwt, please do the damn SIMS, how could you not?! It baffles me that people pay so much for the review and do not utilize it to the full capacity and then complain. There were numerous time that only after pushing myself thru the SIM, I have mastered the concept. Take for an example sim for Construction Interest, don't remember exact section but that particular sim I had to do 3 times on separate occasions until it could be done quickly and without much doubt as of what to calculate or what exactly question had been asking.

    Yet another issue that is worrisome is that you are only on F-3 now and have a test at the end of the month. Is it your first time going over it? Maybe you can put in 8 hour days studying but beware that F-5/F-6 might take longer than you estimate although material is not that bad and also, NFP/gov may take extra time if you have no prior experience in that area. Knowing NFP/gov, I breezed thru them quickly but had to go back to valuation and all of that IFRS BS that kept me worried at night.

    At any rate, I wish you luck and remind you to have a faith, follow Becker advise as to study and keep plugging along!

    Becker Class of Jan - Aug 2013: FARB DONE!!!!
    CPA license pending 🙂



    Yea I know it may seem like a short time to take FAR but I went through most of CPAExcel for FAR way back in December. Shortly after December I found out that my firm will pay for Becker so I decided to wait until my MAcc was finish to start fresh with Becker and start taking exams. Recently I just completed my MAcc so my journey is begging!

    The questions I am getting wrong are primarily due to me not reading the question thoroughly enough (which I am working on). Government and NFP sections will pale in comparison to what I was tested on in my MAcc. I've seen what CPAExcel tests on in regards to these two sections, I am assuming Becker's tests the material in the same manner.

    I have an extremely detailed studying schedule oriented around Becker (started studying May 1rst) and another completely different schedule oriented around my supplemental study materials specifically for review week. I plan on following these schedules to the letter best I can (check out my past posts if you wanna see them), I also accounted for some slack in-case I just need a break or a section needs more time. Regardless, I need to keep chugging along no matter what my scores turn out to be. I was just curious as to what correlation others were noticing between their Becker hw scores and their actual exam scores. Great input btw, I really really appreciate it.

    In fact, thanks to everyone who posted here. Great stuff!

    Oh and yea, I will be doing the Sims. I've decided on that 😉

    FAR- 73, 10/07/2013
    REG- 8/31/2013
    AUD- TBD
    BEC- TBD

    Main: Becker Self-Study 2013. Supplements: Ninja / Wiley TB / CPAExcel (Bought before I received an offer).


    @Jaimcpa, glad to hear that you are in way better shape than I thought!

    Work those MCQ/SIMS a few times while RTFQ carefully and you will be fine. Good luck on the exam, hoping to hear good news (our results should be coming out during the same wave)!

    @memmy, good luck to you as well, you are VERY CLOSE to be done with this stuff, forever!!!

    Becker Class of Jan - Aug 2013: FARB DONE!!!!
    CPA license pending 🙂


    From my experience with FAR, the optional HWs cover material that's essentially not covered in the chapters or hardly covered. I wouldn't worry about it. I stopped doing the optional HWs for FAR towards the end because it was so frustrating and only hampered my studying.



    Thanks! This is obviously not my first time reviewing FAR, but I'm am forgetting things that I had mastered during my last review…and am only on F-4 in Becker. I'm kind of freaking out. Maybe I'm getting too detailed in my review notes that I'm creating. I really need to be doing more MCQ but I'm avoiding them…

    AUD-84, REG-75, BEC-84, FAR-77

    Licensed CPA

    CIA Exam
    Part 1 - Passed
    Part 2 - Passed
    Part 3 - Passed

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