Becker First-Attempt MCQ Frustration

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  • #1940962

    Hey all, I’ve recently been studying using Becker, and have been frustrated with how I’ve been doing on my first attempts of the MCQ homework after each module. So far, I’ve averaged a 67% for F1, 77% for F2, but my first three HW scores for F3 have been 60,52, and 52. In fact, there have been plenty of sections that I have scored in the 60s. Have any of you been in my situation and received low scores for on the Becker FAR HW the first time around, but ended up passing the exam? Any input or advice is appreciated. Thank you!


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  • #1941232

    Your first time through on Becker's FAR MCQ, you're going to get beat up. Just accept it now – it's normal. The key is to LEARN from what you got wrong, so don't focus too much on the percentages. Keep the faith!


    Hi @Gsuacct, my first time through averages on Becker were in mid 60s to low 70s on AUD, BEC, and FAR. Was quite a bit higher on REG, but just because I had a lot of experience with it. Yeah don't get overly frustrated as long as you're learning what you miss. It's easy just to go back through and click the right answer while it's still fresh on your mind, but don't do it. For the ones in the 50's it sounds like you may need to read/watch/take a few more notes. If nothing else, make sure to keep an eye on these sections when it comes to reviewing for the exam.

    Usually for me, it would go like this- I was studying and going through MCQ, I start missing a few which annoys me, then I miss more because I am annoyed, then I get to the point I am just guessing to get done with it. After all this, I have a score somewhere between 40-55. I learned the more I did this that if this happens that you need to take a break and re-cooperate before continuing on.


    That is totally normal, and even though it's scary and frustrating, just keep at it and your scores will improve. Everyone feels like a total idiot going through those the first time around….


    I remember averaging low 70s on these cumulative progress tests from F1-F10 when I first started my MCQ session during the review phase, but I was able to bring the average up to high 80s-low 90s. Keep doing the MCQs, and try to understand why the correct answer is correct and incorrect answers are incorrect. You'll get better in time!


    Thank you all for the advice and encouragement! I'll be sure to keep it all in mind.

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