Becker Final Exam – TBS

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  • #159801

    I just completed the TBS section of a Becker Final Exam. When I reviewed my answers, I was surprised to find that the software marked some of my correct responses as incorrect.

    For example, I answered:

    DR Capital Finance Lease Liability 15,000

    DR Interest Expense 85,000

    CR Cash 100,000

    But because Becker’s solution is listed as (see below), my answer was graded as incorrect:

    DR Interest Expense 85,000

    DR Capital Finance Lease Liability 15,000

    CR Cash 100,000

    I’m thinking this is just a constraint of the software grading, but was hoping for reassurance from a third party.

    I am hoping that I can list the debits and credits in any order on the actual exam, and still receive credit if the content is the correct.

    Can someone else weigh in on this?


    BEC (05/31/10) 82
    AUD (08/31/10) 76
    REG (11/29/10) 90
    FAR (02/28/11) 82

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  • #277128
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    Hilarious, I have the same exact question and my exam is on Monday. I am currently searching the forums and that is how I came across your post. Anyone have an answer….??

    AUD 79 Q4 2010 - NY
    BEC 84 Q4 2010
    REG 79 Q1 2011
    FAR 86 Q2 2011 - Done


    Too funny. I'm guessing the software isn't sophisticated enough to do anything more than a one for one match for the TBS grading.

    I am guessing the JEs don't have to be ordered a certain way to be marked “correct” on the exam. If they did, I think it would be widely advertised and mentioned in the review materials.

    But seeing my score results on the TBS yesterday sent me into a sheer panic. I'm better now. 🙂

    BEC (05/31/10) 82
    AUD (08/31/10) 76
    REG (11/29/10) 90
    FAR (02/28/11) 82


    I remember when I answered a similiar question my JE was all out of place… this was on 1/2 of the simulation that i DID know! And I still passed.. so maybe they aren't that picky on the actual exam.


    I think my REG simulations that I got yesterday were taken from a horror movie like SAW or the likes. Maybe the World Council should ban REG simulations as they are a cruel form of torture. Jokes aside………. I feel so devastated after REG, even though I studied for it like crazy and had very good results on Becker finals exams and mcqs. It felt like a completely different exam altogether and I'm just hoping for a 75.

    FAR 88 - BEC 86 - AUD 90 - REG 85


    herbert7890….ditto! Please let us pass and please let the score come sooner rather than later.

    AUD (11) & FAR (10) = 89
    BEC (10) & REG (11) = 78
    Ethics here I come!
    I am a CPA!


    @ Herbert – Don't stress. You were very well prepared. If your past scores are any indication, you rocked this one too.

    Hopefully scores will come out sooner, rather than later, and we can all celebrate!

    BEC (05/31/10) 82
    AUD (08/31/10) 76
    REG (11/29/10) 90
    FAR (02/28/11) 82


    Thanks for the support shelleydee! Tomorrow I will clean my mind from CPA studies and focus on my work : )

    FAR 88 - BEC 86 - AUD 90 - REG 85


    I had the exact same problem with the TBS answers being correct, but just not in the same order. My FAR exam is tomorrow (first exam, yikes!), so I don't know much about the scoring. I'm hoping the actual exam takes into consideration the fact that a journal entry can be in a different order but still correct. I was also scored wrong for answers that were correct, but had formulas in the cell to compute the answer. I'm wondering if I should just enter the answer manually…Or maybe everyone gets paranoid the day before the exam.

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