Becker Final Exam – Just took one and I’m confused

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  • #158171

    I just took the Final Exam #1 for FAR in Becker and I thought the outcome would have been shown in a different way, with a weighted score.

    Instead I got a % Correct for each testlet, including simulations.

    Also, I got sims graded wrongly. Two numbers were shown as a mistake even though the solutions showed the numbers I inserted.

    Also, a JE was shown wrong because while recording a payment of a capital lease I put Cap.Lease Obligation DR 15, Interest Expense DR 85 (and cash CR 100 obviously). The solution had the two lines inverted (Int Exp first then Cap Lease Obl) so I got 4 tabs wrong in the score report. This actually scares me. Are the sims really graded like that? If so, what’s the rule? DR before CR and bigger amounts first? Doesn’t make any sense to me……

    Having said that, I scored 83-83-86 in the three MCQ testlets and 94-88 in the sims.

    Is there any way to obtain a weighted score or do I have to take it like this?

    FAR - 7/26/10 - 95
    AUD - 8/10/10 - 88
    BEC - 8/31/10 - 88
    REG - 10/15/10 - 95

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  • #234044

    Some of the FAR tests grade incorrectly. Don't worry about weighting because the real test you don't know the weighting aside from 70% MC and 20% sims and 10% written communication. If you want an absolute raw score with those weights you can do the math.

    You are doing fine as long as you understand the stuff you got correct and incorrect. Those MC scores are good. I got 75-85 usually on the FAR practice.

    Don't stress it.

    FAR 92 - AUD 91 - REG 94 - BEC 86


    Just a little disappointed because reading other users' comments I thought I would get a score, comparable to the one I will get on the actual. Instead I got a bunch of statistics.

    FAR - 7/26/10 - 95
    AUD - 8/10/10 - 88
    BEC - 8/31/10 - 88
    REG - 10/15/10 - 95


    italianCPA- Your scores are pretty good. I never passed a single Becker Practice Final Exam. I would calculate the weighted average giving myself a 5 on written just to be conservative and usually scored in the mid 60's. I also found Becker's Practice Final Exams for all sections more difficult than the actual exam at least that was my experience. Good Luck on FAR on the 26th.


    Oh yeah, Becker's grading is stupid (took an average of MCs when I mentioned my score), plus I don't get the JE deal still. I entered mine out of order on my real exam today and I tried to fix it and couldn't. So I just left it with credit,debit,debit,credit. But I can tell you, you seem to be prepared based on your scores. I'd just suggest to keep reviewing up to the exam day so it's all fresh when you take the real thing…

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