Becker Final Exam – FAR

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  • #160790

    I just took my first Becker final exam for FAR:

    Testlet 1 – 22/30 = 73%

    Testlet 2 – 26/30 = 86%

    Testlet 3 – 24/30 = 80%

    Sim 1 – 7/8 = 87%

    Sim 2 – 16/18 = 89%

    Sim 3 – 4/4 = 100%

    Sim 4 – 3/3 = 100%

    Sim 5 – 13/14 = 92%

    Sim 6 – 6/8 = 75%

    Sim 7 – 1/1 = 100%

    Have any of you received similar scores on the practice exam and passed the real thing?? I take it on Thursday and this made me feel a little less nervous, but I’m worried that the actual exam will be harder than the Becker test! Also, are all of the simulations of equal weight? Or does the research question really only count for one point??

    FAR - 87 (7/14/11)
    AUD - 94 (8/31/11)
    REG - 92 (10/19/11)
    BEC - 88 (11/30/11)

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  • #289706

    Wow, you did really well! I'm using Becker too and hope that when I'm done with my FAR review in a couple weeks I can be as successful as you were at it.

    Obviously I don't have an answer to your question since I haven't taken an exam yet, but definitely let me know how it turns out for you–I'm interested to know how well prepared you felt after you sit for FAR.

    FAR 07/27/11 - 87
    AUD 10/01/11 - 85
    BEC 11/15/11 - 87
    REG 01/03/12 - 92


    Those are excellent scores! You got this. I'm about to take my simulated exam now (test on Wednesday). Good luck to you, seems like you might not need the luck! 🙂

    AUD 81 (X4) Previous scores 59, 72, 72
    REG 80 (X3) Previous scores 59, 60
    FAR 75 (X2) Previous score 67
    BEC 79 (X2) Previous score 58


    seriously…you nailed it! thats an impressive list of scores!


    Dammit, I just bombed mine. Total score on the 3 testlets was 60%. Made a bunch or stupid mistakes. For REG I scored the exact same thing on my simulated exam, got a 60 on the actual exam after that. Now I'm nervous… I don't think I'm ready for FAR this Wednesday, clearly. 🙁 Need to go over this simulated exam extra slowlyyy

    AUD 81 (X4) Previous scores 59, 72, 72
    REG 80 (X3) Previous scores 59, 60
    FAR 75 (X2) Previous score 67
    BEC 79 (X2) Previous score 58


    I was around 66% on the Becker final exams when I took the test. Again, the actual exam isn't scored anything like the Becker exam. You just use the Becker exam as a guide for understanding the material.


    Guys should I reschedule? I'm supposed to take my exam Wednesday. My NTS expires the 21st. I'm just thinking it's probably better to pay the rescheduling fees as opposed to paying 250 bucks to reapply for the section with the state if I fail. I shouldn't be scoring this low it shows I'm not fully understanding this crap. FML

    AUD 81 (X4) Previous scores 59, 72, 72
    REG 80 (X3) Previous scores 59, 60
    FAR 75 (X2) Previous score 67
    BEC 79 (X2) Previous score 58


    Yeah minimorty you're right, the first two testlets in Becker had no gov or non profit MCQs! I nailed the third test let with an 86, but the other two I did very poorly on

    AUD 81 (X4) Previous scores 59, 72, 72
    REG 80 (X3) Previous scores 59, 60
    FAR 75 (X2) Previous score 67
    BEC 79 (X2) Previous score 58


    @Peanut – it's almost impossible to correlate your sample exam scores with the real exam because they don't reflect the weights or test questions. Also, no matter how hard I tried, I often went thru questions a little too quickly and made stupid mistakes. Before you reschedule, go thru the questions you missed and figure out why you missed them. Did you not have a clue or only a vague idea or was it something you knew but messed up for some reason? You're never going to feel fully prepared, but if you know the material and are able to do a good job of managing your time during the exam you'll do fine.

    FAR 4/1/11 - 89
    AUD 4/15/11 - 85
    REG 4/29/11 - 80
    BEC 5/13/11 - 85


    I just wanted to add my 2 cents on this topic. I took FAR last window. I used Becker and was only scoring in the 60's on the practice exams (both of them) so I was quite worried for the real thing. The actual exam was like night and day compared to those tests so I would put very little weight, if any, on the practice exams. I ended up getting a 90 on the real thing- so don't worry about low scores on your practice exams. I think Becker makes them more challenging so you will go back and study more, especially on some of the more obscure topics.

    Hope this puts some minds at ease…


    It does put my mind at ease, thanks so much cpa2behopefully, and KB24. I'm not going to push the exam, I know this material I just have to make sure I understand the questions. Going through my simulated exam now very slowly-right answers and wrong answers

    AUD 81 (X4) Previous scores 59, 72, 72
    REG 80 (X3) Previous scores 59, 60
    FAR 75 (X2) Previous score 67
    BEC 79 (X2) Previous score 58


    I be trollin'


    Don't worry Peanut!! We're gonna pass!! Don't let unsupportive people who have nothing better to do than spread negativity on a website bring you down.=]

    FAR - 87 (7/14/11)
    AUD - 94 (8/31/11)
    REG - 92 (10/19/11)
    BEC - 88 (11/30/11)


    Wow. Posts like that are very surprising for this website. Completely ignore it. You guys are both going to do great. As long as you put in the time and energy, you will do just fine!


    I spy a troll!! I've taking 3 other exams, this is not my first. But yes I'm going to rock it! Just need to use the time I have efficiently and effectively and not let the nerves get the better of me.

    AUD 81 (X4) Previous scores 59, 72, 72
    REG 80 (X3) Previous scores 59, 60
    FAR 75 (X2) Previous score 67
    BEC 79 (X2) Previous score 58


    I scored 60% on Final Exam #1 and 66% on Final Exam #2 if that makes you feel better. Don't let those things rattle you.

    FAR: 84
    AUD: 95
    REG: 78
    BEC: 88
    ETHICS: 100

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