Becker Final Exam #2

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  • #169068

    Becker Question –

    How do these scores compare to those who have taken this practice exam? I have 3 weeks until my test date, but am considering moving it up because I’m so tired of studying, and I’m just burnt out.

    Testlet 1: 79

    Testlet 2: 83

    Testlet 3: 75

    I haven’t done Final Exam 1 yet. I figured I’d start with the hardest one first and work backward. Some of my answers were outright guesses, but I just don’t know what else I can do to prepare. How are these scores compared to anyone who’s taken it?

    BEC: (4/2012) 88
    AUD: (5/2012) 91
    REG: (8/2012) 82
    FAR: (1/2013) 78 🙂

    VA CPA #42010

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  • #337329

    I scored in the 60's on all testlets for Becker practice exams. My actual BEC score was 83. Becker self study was my only course.

    Im going to be honest though; I have terrible study habits. For example, for every section I studied for about 50 solid hours over 5 weeks on average ) REG was a lot less because I was more familiar with the topics) and never finished all the lectures or the homework problems (did about 65-70% of every course in total, but totally skipped REG chapters 1-4). I never actually sat down and read the book, and trusted that Tim and Peter were telling me to highlight and underline the important things. For full disclosure, I failed Audit with a 71 and it took about 10 extra hours over 2 weeks to be ready to take it again and passed that time.

    So I don't think you can go off of what others do. There was a person on here that took all four tests in one window! That was unbelievable to me. The real question is, how well do you feel like you know the topics. Are there any “surprises” while you are studying that you struggle with? To me it sounds like you are well prepared.

    Texas CPA
    Licensed 03/12


    Thanks for the feedback! This is my first test and yes, I still feel underprepared. I am still going to review some things I think I struggle with, but I keep thinking I will *always* feel “underprepared.” I feel like I have hit the law of diminishing study returns, haha. I can't really focus anymore because I'm constantly thinking about the actual test. I feel like I need to take 3 or 4 7-8 hour days for review and then just knock it out. I feel like I know the topics well, but I am more worried how tricky the questions will be worded, if that makes sense. I absolutely hate the “which is/are correct…I only, I and II” etc. 🙂

    BEC: (4/2012) 88
    AUD: (5/2012) 91
    REG: (8/2012) 82
    FAR: (1/2013) 78 🙂

    VA CPA #42010


    The questioning can be tricky, but knowing the concept will help you overcome any tricky wording that pops up (and it will pop up).

    BEC was my first test too. I felt like you do now, and I really believe in taking some time to clear your mind. There was an episode of Sister Sister where the “Smart Guy” (remember he was their little brother in real life and got his own show called the Smart Guy) came to tutor them for their SAT's. Either Tia or Tamara (I cant remember which) took his advice and they went to Chucky Cheese or something and she was relaxed the night before the test. The other sister was constantly worried about the test the whole night and wouldnt have any fun. Guess which one did better on the SAT?

    Im not saying a blow out party the night before the exam is helpful, but I never studied the day before or the day of the exams. I felt like at that point I was going to know everything I was going to know.

    So relax, because you have already put the prep in. If you did a good job studying, it will show.

    Texas CPA
    Licensed 03/12


    I did really bad in the practice exams. I didn't do many. I found them to be much tougher and trickier than the real thing. I recommend using them at the end if you have exhausted all other material. It's never bad to push your limits but I scored and in the 60's and 70's on Becker practice but I still passed. Don't get depressed about low scores on these tests. Remember also Becker practice test scores are a straight % while the actual exam isn't.

    Bec 4/11/11 91
    Aud 7/11/11 75
    Reg 8/31/11 80
    Far 5/24/11 86
    Ethics - 98
    California Licensed CPA
    Illinois Registered CPA


    LOL at the Sister/Sister analogy. I totally forgot about that show. I used to watch it every Friday on TGIF! I agree, though, I am highly stressed about this exam. I put in an exorbitant amount of hours for this because I had nothing to base it on, so I just went all out. I have a hard time not just saying to hell with my weaker areas because it's hard for me to comprehend not understanding stuff, I just end up giving up and moving on to the next thing. I know that's a bad way to be, and I'm trying not to do that with this because I know it'll be practically impossible to pass with those habits. That being said, I do think I've done a pretty good job preparing. I am just so freaking tired of this stuff and I think if I wait another three weeks I'll know less than I know now.

    @makin: Nice job on the BEC score! Thanks for the advice.

    BEC: (4/2012) 88
    AUD: (5/2012) 91
    REG: (8/2012) 82
    FAR: (1/2013) 78 🙂

    VA CPA #42010


    Haha! I used to watch it all the time too. Those old shows were always so good!

    How many weeks have you been studying so far?

    Just don't give up, and try to calm your self before you go take the exam. I always listened to really inspirational, even if it wasn't well made, music to get my mind right on the way to the exam. I feel like having an an attitude that may borderline on arrogant, unless it is unfounded arrogance, is a good thing on test day. It should feel something like this:

    “I have put my time in. I have gone to school for this, and studied for this for XX weeks. I'm smart. Smart enough to pass this test and all the other tests. I know the topics. Nothing will surprise me because I am prepared. If other people can pass this exam, then I can too and I will do it better than they did.”

    Like I said, if you haven't prepared and that attitude is unfounded, then you are just lying to yourself. If you really do the work required though, and study how you personally need to study to pass, then you will pass. Part of the process is finding out what works for you when you study.

    There are people on here that would actually advise you move your test date up if you feel ready.

    Texas CPA
    Licensed 03/12


    I've been studying BEC for six weeks now. I did one lecture per week, and I just finished up the last lecture. I've just been studying so much and reviewing as I go, I feel like I know it as well as I'm ever going to at this point. I think I am going to move my exam up to next Thursday. I'm going to try to get AUD out of the way this window as well. I do believe I've put in the time and effort…I deserve to pass! 🙂 Thanks for the pep talk!

    BEC: (4/2012) 88
    AUD: (5/2012) 91
    REG: (8/2012) 82
    FAR: (1/2013) 78 🙂

    VA CPA #42010


    No problem. The feeling I had when I saw my final passing score is one I want everyone on this board to have at some point. It sounds like you are on your way.

    If you ever need anymore encouragement “Just call my name, and I'll be there.”

    Texas CPA
    Licensed 03/12

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