Becker FastPass – Free Time?

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  • #176953

    I am taking the Becker FastPass program over the summer. The class is from 8:30-12:30. After the class, I am told there is about 4 hours worth of “homework” a night. I plan on treating this like a full time job. Basically, study for the CPA exam from 8:30 to 5:30 or 6:30. I am hoping with that schedule I will find some free time and actually have a chance to be social during the summer.

    Has anyone else done the FastPass, or know someone who has? What was your experience? Were you able to have a life outside of studying? Any answers would be greatly appreciated?

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  • #408278

    If you look at my previous posts I was in your same boat. I've done a lot of asking around and research and it turns out that this Fast Pass program is a waste of precious time. If you want to do your own Fast Pass program you can follow my posts and see a schedule I have built (I can just post it here if you are interested, yes it will be aggressive but there will be a good amount of free time!). It is essentially Fast Pass but more effective/efficient (cuts out travel, which is a bonus).

    All they will do for Fast Pass is play the videos. That is it. That. Is. It. No joke.

    I registered for Fast Pass but I will end up just using the Self-Study/my own schedule. I prefer to learn in a class room environemnt, unfortunately, Fast Pass does not offer such an experience.

    Best of luck on you decision.

    FAR- 73, 10/07/2013
    REG- 8/31/2013
    AUD- TBD
    BEC- TBD

    Main: Becker Self-Study 2013. Supplements: Ninja / Wiley TB / CPAExcel (Bought before I received an offer).


    I had a friend who took Fast Pass, but his situation is probably completely different from yours, so I wont even dive into his story.

    But to be honest, as a person who has taken the live Becker course, it is almost useless. The only benefit of going is possibly making a few notes and knowing which part of the book is more likely to be tested or not. You can still receive notes from the lecture disks that Becker gives to you.

    I took the 8 hour Saturday course and it was very boring. I wasn't even focusing anymore after hour 2. I ended up going home and reading the book by myself the next day. I think if your accounting knowledge is really lacking, then maybe you should go to class and focus, but aside from that I dont think its neccessary.

    To be honest, i think the Fast Pass is just a marketing scam by Becker. You can take it, but I doubt there are many people who can pass all 4 exams in 2.5 months on their first try.

    I actually would suggest going slowly and making sure you pass on the first try. Reapplying is around $200 per failed exam.

    AUD-69, Retake: 84!!
    Education- Done
    Ethics- August 2013
    Experience- 7 Months of CPA Experience and counting!

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