Becker FAR Study Tips - Page 2

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  • #160447

    Becker Question –

    I’m almost 3 weeks into my FAR studying, I’m not sure if I’m doing this efficiently or not. First, I watch all the lectures. Then I go through all the MCQ for the chapter. One thing that’s thrown me off is the sheer amount of time it is taking to go through MCQ. I do each question, and then make sure I completely understand why I missed it. If I get it right, I’m making sure I got it right for the right reason. Often I have to go back and read the text or view part of a lecture. But this is time consuming, and I can easily get only 10-15 questions done an hour. I don’t know if I’m just slow or what, but with this method it is tough to get just one chapter done a week (I work full time). Should I change anything? Is there any way I could speed up? At my current pace I’m not going to be able to take 2 sections this test window and it’s going to take atleast a total of 8 weeks to get through FAR, not including review. I think my main problem is that I’m spending my wheels on questions. Any tips on studying more efficiently?

    Created with Compare Ninja

    FAR - F (2011), 5/16
    AUD - F(2011)
    BEC -
    REG -

    2nd attempt at this thing. Time to get serious.

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  • #287219

    Hey Everyone – I am looking for suggestions. I didn't have any luck with FAR or BEC this window. I need to pass both by 11/30 or I lose AUD (again). Do you think its best to take both in the next window or just focus on one? I'm leaning towards just focusing on FAR. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated 🙂


    Chelle in Ma,

    First off, sorry to hear about your scores. I think I would try and take both in this window. That way you can have another swipe at the exams if need be. I know that sounds like a tall order, but it is more conservative. I would do whatever I could to not lose that Audit credit.

    Glad to see that you are getting right to it, you can do it! You have some exams under your belt, so you know what it takes to succeed, the end is in sight.

    Best of luck to you!!


    since I just found out I failed FAR for the second time. I am requesting study suggestions. The first time I didn't finish the exam and I got a 73. The second time I finished the exam with 15 min extra for review but got a 71. The second time I didn't have time to review all the chapters before the exam and there were two areas that I just couldn't grasp (business conbinations including eliminating JEs and bonds).

    I would normally study about 20 – 30 hours per week. Watch the lecture, do MC, read the book, do MC Qs again. (this took me sooo long to do, so I cut out doing the MC right after watching the lectures. I also cut out detailed reading and just started skimming ( I guess that was one of my mistakes). I find that FAR has sooo much information, time management is my biggest downfall, I also work full time.

    HELP! I plan to re-sit the end of August. I am currently using BECKER.


    I'm starting to realize how much of a BEAST FAR is. This is my first time sitting for FAR and it just seems like so much information. I'm using Yaeger, not Becker, but I've already watched all 51 hours of lecture video while taking notes. It just seems to be taking longer than expected to go through the MCQs. It's mainly because a lot of them are calculations and I'm learning/reviewing them in the process…..I studied 3.5 hours last night and plan to do another 3.5 hours tonight. It doesn't seem difficult…it's just the volume of info is crazy!

    Texas CPA
    Licensed, March 2012


    I've been studying for FAR since Mid-April, I take FAR July 1st and I FINALLY am feeling like I understand the material. 9 days before my exam.. Finally understanding why I am getting questions right and wrong. So hang in there! I was about to give up and push my exam for a later date, but decided to man up (I'm a woman) and keep my July 1st date. My friend just passed FAR with an 84, he told me to focus on the main points of each chapter, ex; bonds, leases,pensions, and that will help me bring up my practice exam scores. It is an insane amount of material, it seems difficult as you're first going through it but for me its more of the volume that's difficult than the actual content.

    AUD 81 (X4) Previous scores 59, 72, 72
    REG 80 (X3) Previous scores 59, 60
    FAR 75 (X2) Previous score 67
    BEC 79 (X2) Previous score 58


    Can anyone have Rogers Cpa lectures USB to sell . Let me know how they experience rogers cpa .Contact me at


    Can anyone have Rogers Cpa lectures USB to sell . Let me know how they experience rogers cpa .Contact me at


    @luckyme – I tried various things depending on what the weak areas were. I understood the theory of bonds but kept getting confused on the practice MCQ so I spent 20-30 minutes writing out the JE by hand for the various situation e.g. issuance, interest accrual, discount, premium, etc. I didn't have any problems with bonds after that. Even though I was doing OK on MCQ for business consolidations, I knew that I wasn't as strong as I should be. I went back to my old textbook and did some problems where I had to consolidate and write out the financial statements under different conditions. For government and NFP, I frequently repeated the MCQ including the morning of the exam. Besides, the problems in the Becker and Wiley texts I had the Wiley test bank so I had plenty to practice on.

    Hope this helps.

    FAR 4/1/11 - 89
    AUD 4/15/11 - 85
    REG 4/29/11 - 80
    BEC 5/13/11 - 85


    I used would recommend doing as many MC and Sims. I used Gleim to supplement Becker and passed and its cheap.

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