Becker FAR questions - Page 2

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  • #167646

    I like Becker, I genuinely do, but these questions on FAR are killing my spirit. I just can’t seem to get it right!

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  • #330230

    Beckers MCQs are harder than the exams by design. I took FAR three times with Becker… And the the first two times I was getting 50-60% on the MCQs. After 2 really close scores… I changed up my study plan. The third attempt i started all over from scratch and sat down and rewatched all the lectures and took my own notes and it finally clicked. Even then I was only getting 70-80% on the questions the first go around. I feel like handwriting my own notes and explaining it to myself rather than just writing what good ol Pete and Tim said truly helped. I would definitely implement that… It also helped seeing the whole picture laid out in my notes rather than bits and pieces in flash cards… I felt like I had a better grasp on the concepts… But that may be just me. It took me twice as long to get through a lecture this way… But I was doing the problems much faster.

    Also… The quizzes for each chapter are awesome for a final review because you can see which concepts are giving you the most trouble and really concentrate on where the help is needed.

    REG 86
    BEC 85
    AUD 78
    FAR 73,74 & 78

    Used Becker!


    TFCH = Tuition Free Credit. Becker requires you to get 90% of the questions right on their software in order to get a significantly reduced rate if you need updated materials. If you print out all the questions, like I did, you'll still have to answer them in the software to get the TFCH.

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