Becker FAR question

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  • #160479

    I just started Becker’s FAR review last week. F1 went great and I have a handle on that material. I’m now in my second day of F2 and I am finding it–for lack of a better word–useless. I spent a good six hours yesterday watching the lecture and making note cards, only to find that I am doing HORRIBLY on the homework.

    I am NOT pleased and do not enjoy wasting my time to see no results. Any suggestions?

    FAR 07/27/11 - 87
    AUD 10/01/11 - 85
    BEC 11/15/11 - 87
    REG 01/03/12 - 92

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  • #284726

    F1 leads you into a false sense of security when you first start reviewing, then out of nowhere F2 starts with some really difficult topics. Don't get discouraged by doing poorly on the homework MCQs, use them as a learning tool. In some cases I learned more from the MCQ answer explanations than I did from the actual lecture.

    My method is this – 1.) Watch the lecture and make notes in the textbook 2.) Write out the notes myself, paying more attention to those areas which I haven't seen before or were confusing 3.) Do the homework questions, and take time to really look at each answer explanation, correct AND incorrect, and take notes accordingly.

    Don't get stuck on one F section just because you haven't nailed down every detail. If you feel that you have the basic concepts but just haven't memorized each trick you should move on. Then during your final review the second time around, all the details will fall into place. I just finished my final review of F2 and it makes a lot more sense now that I have been through the entire FAR book one time. I remembered the main points that they taught me during the lecture, and now I can focus on fine tuning each skill rather than having to learn everything at once. It has worked for me so far, maybe it will work for you too!

    FAR - 87 (7/14/11)
    AUD - 94 (8/31/11)
    REG - 92 (10/19/11)
    BEC - 88 (11/30/11)


    F2 was really tough for me too. Didn't do so hot on the MCQ's, when historically I tend to do pretty well in those. I moved on to F3 though, and I guess I'll go back and review F2 …. sometime. The poster above me is correct that we can't waste too much time learning *every* single little detail in each other ….. remember the big picture. Becker FAR has NINE chapters!

    BEC - Passed (11/27/2010)
    REG - Passed (02/26/2011)
    AUD - Passed (05/30/2011)
    FAR - TBD (07/29/2011)


    F2 is one of the WORST chapters just because it seems to be a lot of nuts n bolts random topics. I believe Tim Gearty says in the lecture F2 is mostly “onesies and twosies” on the exam. It's common to get 30-70% right on some sections the 1st time through. But It's not where you are in the beginning that counts, it's where you are when you walk into the exam room. So just keep working the Passmaster MCs. I remember the section of F2 that's particularly annoying is that 1st set of 80-90MCs on Timing Issues. It's a long Passmaster session. If after doing it bunch of times, you can get to the point of getting good scores on that section, that's great. The Installment Sales section is also tough. And the non-monetary exchanges and forex stuff as well. Keep up the good work. Some of the other chapters won't be as bad.

    F3 – (tough if you haven't had an advanced accounting course) consolidations & mktable securities stuff

    F4 – not bad at all, depreciation & inventory…impairment

    F5 – Leases & Bonds HIT THIS CHAPTER HARD would be my advice. you'll feel great if you fully understand these

    F6 Pensions (TOUGH because it's awkward but Becker does a good job laying it out -> SIR-AGE) & Income Tax Acctg (Deferred Taxes -> not bad IMO)

    F7 tough but great if you can understand thouroughly…..Statement Cash Flows / EPS / Stockhldrs Equity

    F8 & F9 these are NOT tough however you can't blow them off. they are just awkward as they are completely new to some

    allow enough time for final review & pass exam ….Good luck!



    Thanks so much for those tips!!! I will definitely refer back to this. I might have to move back my date for FAR to allow for ample review time.

    BEC - Passed (11/27/2010)
    REG - Passed (02/26/2011)
    AUD - Passed (05/30/2011)
    FAR - TBD (07/29/2011)


    Wow…lots of good advice here. Now I feel slightly less discouraged. Thanks!

    FAR 07/27/11 - 87
    AUD 10/01/11 - 85
    BEC 11/15/11 - 87
    REG 01/03/12 - 92

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