Is Becker enough for Auditing?

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    Is Becker enough for Auditing?
    I’m taking Auditing (good luck hopefully) and have just finished A1 from Becker and did a few multiple choice questions… Will simply listening to the lectures, reviewing the flashcards, doing the MCQ’s and doing the simulations be enough to pass? Should I be taking notes… Also, do I have enough time before the exam?

    Second, I’m looking into purchasing the ninja study notes for Auditing. Are they really helpful? Has anyone seen an increase in their score or confidence because of the notes?

    Created with Compare Ninja

    *New York*
    AUD 74, 88! 04/02/12
    BEC 75! 08/30/12
    FAR 68, 73, 83! 10/27/12
    REG 80! 11/24/12


    "Be miserable. Or motivate yourself. Whatever has to be done, it's always your choice.” - Wayne Dyer

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  • #302859

    I studied of auditing for about 5 weeks. I only used becker and never looked over the flash cards. I went over the m/c questions 3x and really understood why I got them right and wrong. With auditing it is weird, I couldn't remember the material off the top of my head, but when I read a question and the choices it all came back into memory. Good luck!


    I used only Becker for Audit. I listened to the lectures, worked the MCQ, did a few simulated exams so I knew where to focus my review, and looked at a few of the SIMS. I didn't supplement with anything else. Though, I did find the NINJA notes helpful for BEC!


    This is exactly what I did, and it worked great. Like lind said, work the MCQs 2 or 3 times, and definately read the explanations whether you got them right or wrong

    AUD - 83
    FAR - 79
    BEC - 90
    REG - 83


    Thank you!!! I wish you all the best with your CPA licence adventure…

    *New York*
    AUD 74, 88! 04/02/12
    BEC 75! 08/30/12
    FAR 68, 73, 83! 10/27/12
    REG 80! 11/24/12


    "Be miserable. Or motivate yourself. Whatever has to be done, it's always your choice.” - Wayne Dyer


    You have lots of time before the exam to prepare:) I had a hard time catching on as well so I said forget it. Then started typing the different reports onto word document. Just reading and listening to lectures did not help me remember the key aspects of the various different reports you need to know for the exam. Typing really helped. May help for you too. (of course in addition to Becker🙂

    AUD - Passed:)
    FAR - Passed:)
    REG - Retake TBD
    BEC - Missed by 3 points Retake TBD


    I actually memorized the unqualified opinion word for word until I could write it down, like the pledge or something. I also made a blank chart of all the opinions from the becker book (you know, that list out which paragraphs are altered, where the explanatory paragraph is placed in the report, etc) and I filled it out until I had memorized it. It's amazing to me that we are tested on that level of detail – seems silly to me. But I definitely took extra notes to prepare when I passed in 2010 and plan to do the same again this time around…. good luck.

    FAR - 79 (2x)
    AUD - 81 (expired), 77!
    REG - 74! omg (3x) 87!!!!!!! I'm done! OMG!
    BEC - 81 (4x)


    I studied with Becker for all my tests so yes, I believe it is enough. I did however buy all the NINJA notes and I found them to be a great supplement to Becker. I had to time to rewrite all the NINJA notes to help in review after I did all the Becker lectures and MCQ. The key I think to AUD is to do as many MCQ as you can!!!! Just make sure you read why and try to understand why you missed a question. I did not have the flashcards for any test from Becker. I did make my own flashcards early on but it was very time-consuming. It took me three times to pass Auditing. The first without NINJA notes 70, then 71 with Notes, and then 81 with Notes again. I think a lot of the reason I had to retake the test was because of just learning how I needed to adjust to study for the test. The first two times I didnt work the MCQ as much, but after reading what so many people on here said about the importance of working as many as possible I decided thats what I needed to do as well. I also used for extra and different questions since I sometimes ended up memorizing Becker answers.

    Hope that all made sense and helps you!

    Good Luck!


    Its ok if u read the material only once.. But do MCQ as many tyms u can do..!!! Infact doing MCQ will build ur base for AUD.. I took AUD today..n to my shock.. almost 50 – 60% of AUD MCQ were the one I've seen before… Becker is good.. u can supplement tat wid cpareviewforfree n try wiley Questions also if u hav tym..!!! make ur own notes.. go thru it.. final review of becker is helpful as well.. All the best..

    REG - 76
    BEC - 80
    AUD - 70, 74, 82
    FAR - 87


    I would recommend taking notes, and going though all of the MC questions at least two times. I wouldn't bother with the flash cards or simulations. I thought Becker did a great job, so the supplement review course isn't really neccessary.

    Good luck!

    FAR - 07/08/11 - 86 (Becker Fast Pass)
    REG - 07/27/11 - 91 (Becker Fast Pass & Ninja Notes)
    AUD - 08/13/11 - 93 (Becker Fast Pass)
    BEC - 08/31/11 - 90 (Becker Fast Pass)


    WHOA, NYCPA34, you did fastpass for ALL the sections? How long did you actually study for the sections (hours/days/weeks…) And with IMPRESSIVE scores.

    What made you decide to get the ninja notes for REG?

    *New York*
    AUD 74, 88! 04/02/12
    BEC 75! 08/30/12
    FAR 68, 73, 83! 10/27/12
    REG 80! 11/24/12


    "Be miserable. Or motivate yourself. Whatever has to be done, it's always your choice.” - Wayne Dyer


    I studied about 90 hours for Audit from becker over the course of like 6 weeks. I half-assed my studying because I had just taken far and managed to pass aud still. too bad i can't say the same for far, not yet at least.

    R PASS
    A PASS
    B PASS


    Yea, I did the Fastpass for all of the sections during the summer. I started studying around June 6th, and took my last exam on the 31st. For each section I would go through the lecture once, then the mc questions twice. So for Reg there are 7 chapters in Becker, I would do a lecture a day, take notes, and do all of the MC questions for that chapter. After going through the chapters for the first time i would start from the beginning again and do all of the MC questions over again. After that was done I would do two days of review. That would add up to 16 days of studying at about 8 hours a day. I wasn't working so that's why I was able to do that for all of the sections.

    I decided to get the Ninja notes because this forum freaked me out a little bit because everyone was saying Reg was really hard, so I figured I would get something to supplement Becker. It turned out that Becker did a great job in preparing me, and the ninja notes was nice to just read through.

    Good luck with your exams!

    FAR - 07/08/11 - 86 (Becker Fast Pass)
    REG - 07/27/11 - 91 (Becker Fast Pass & Ninja Notes)
    AUD - 08/13/11 - 93 (Becker Fast Pass)
    BEC - 08/31/11 - 90 (Becker Fast Pass)


    Thank you everyone.

    NYCPA34, you should get an award for the shortest time frame taken for the successful completion of the CPA Exam. It's nice to see a fellow NYC Accountant on these forums 🙂

    *New York*
    AUD 74, 88! 04/02/12
    BEC 75! 08/30/12
    FAR 68, 73, 83! 10/27/12
    REG 80! 11/24/12


    "Be miserable. Or motivate yourself. Whatever has to be done, it's always your choice.” - Wayne Dyer


    Haha thanks, it was an awful summer, but it was definitely worth it. Maybe will cross paths one of these days and not even know it lol.

    Good luck with your exams! Study hard, it's definitely worth it in the end.

    FAR - 07/08/11 - 86 (Becker Fast Pass)
    REG - 07/27/11 - 91 (Becker Fast Pass & Ninja Notes)
    AUD - 08/13/11 - 93 (Becker Fast Pass)
    BEC - 08/31/11 - 90 (Becker Fast Pass)

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