Supplemental Questions in Becker CPA Review for FAR - Page 2

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  • #158028

    I am currently preparing for FAR. Just wondering if the supplemental questions in the Becker CPA Review review are worth attempting. Anybody felt comfortable when they took FAR even though didn’t practice any of those questions? Thanks!

    Texas: FAR 83 (8/25/10) | AUD 83 (11/22/10) | BEC 78 (2/26/11) | REG 90 (7/9/11)
    End of a two-year long CPA exam journey!

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  • #364930

    Thanks for all the adivice! Passed FAR marginally but all worth it for 3 weeks of studying while everybody else was out chilling!

    On to AUD, any words of wisdom?

    REG: 79 Exam Date:8/9/2010
    BEC: 76 Exam Date:8/30/2010
    FAR: 76 Exam Date:10/09/2010
    AUD: 68 Exam Date: 10/28/10, 65 Exam Date: 1/10/11(?!!), Retake whenever time permits =(


    Congrats! You are doing the exams in the same order/months that I was! Do all MCQ for AUD even supplemental. Chapter 5 isn't AS important.. but everything always still is.. <– did that make any sence? Good Luck!!!


    Hey guys. I'm reviewing for my the FAR part of the CPA exam. I am taking it on the 26th of May. Only a few more days left. I'm trying to review everything currently and am taking the big quizzes (all the questions from each chapter). When the results of the quizzes are broken down, the only part that I seem to be doing bad on are the supplemental questions. I just wanted to see if that was normal? Some of those questions are just so hard. Is it normal for people to not do well on them? And would you all suggest that I go over those questions again before the exam?

    I also have to go over the task based simulations for all of the sections. I've heard that the task based ones are just like the multiple choice because they have a drop down menu. Is that correct?

    Any advice will be helpful.



    I didn't do them for FAR or AUD and go in the 90's on both exams. If you are struggling with a section or individual concept, I guess do them, or find a particular question within them that can provide clarity on a topic. I usually do the required questions twice. Once after the lecture, and again during my review.

    Created with Compare Ninja

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