For those that use Becker CPA Review…defend it

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    For those that use Becker CPA Review…defend it

    I just finished taking FAR a couple of hours ago and that test was a beast. This was my first of the exams and I prepared using Becker.

    I should preface by saying that I understand every exam is different. I don’t mean to scare anyone about to take the test either. I think that the Becker review is ok, and you will do fine, just not as good as advertised.

    My question is for people that have used Becker for multiple exams and believe it is worth it. While I’m not saying that I failed, I really don’t think I did as well as I should have considering how much I studied (pretty much 5-6 days a week for at least 5-7 hrs per day for 7 weeks). I also have a very strong academic background for financial accounting classes. After taking the test I feel that the actual Becker review did not help very much. Most of the subjects that the class really emphasized were not heavily tested. Some were not tested at all. I understand that it is a broad test of an extensive list of subjects but I feel that it did not adequately prepare me for the exam. How well I did on the exam had most to do with the knowledge I had before I started studying as well as picking up little details from the Becker text that weren’t emphasized or even covered.

    My point is that while I understand they cannot prepare you for every single possible question, I don’t believe it was worth nearly the $3000 I pd for every section of review materials. I think I would have been just as well off buying the cheapest review book and reading it over several times on my own so that I would have as much knowledge as possible. Rather than wasting time listening to the lectures I could have read and re-read the text to focus on the small details that I felt were so important on the actual exam. I also think that the practice m/c questions were ok but by no means extensive and I wasted a lot of time learning how to do problems I never saw on the exam

    Has anyone else felt like this after an exam? I have done some research into other reviews but can anyone else suggest another one that they felt was good? I am taking auditing next (in this window) but am strongly considering returning Becker for the above reasons.

    I know it’s a rant and a half but I really don’t feel great about my exam experience relative to my preparation.

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  • #256772

    Results speak for themselves. I'd wait until you get your score first. Remember, the point isn't to enjoy it or learn anything. The point is to pass the exam.

    If you passed the exam using Becker, it's tough to say that Becker wasn't effective.

    I felt HORRIBLE coming out of my first exam. I was sure I had failed. I called my brother, who had just passed his last exam a couple years before, laughing, telling him I'd be taking AUD again. He told me he felt like sh*t coming out of all the exams.

    I ended up with a score I would have never imagined in a million years. Ditto for FAR and REG.

    Wait until you get your results to pass judgment on Becker. You may be surprised at how effective it was for you.

    Or maybe you'll fail miserably and want to try a different review program. Either way, just take a deep breath and don't get yourself too worked up until you see your score.

    Good luck to you.

    AUD 96 FAR 95 REG 94 BEC 88


    I was a little frustrated with Becker on my REG section, mainly because it downplayed an area that turned out to be an entire simulation on my exam. However, I have to say, I still got an 85 overall because I knocked the socks off of all the MCQ and did decent on my first simulation, thanks to Becker.

    I thought Becker prepared me very well for AUD – 92.

    I have some complaints about the lack of explanation with some things in B5 BEC, but still think I did okay on the actual exam – have't got my scores back yet.

    I haven't taken FAR yet – but I have ordered Yaeger as a supplement to Becker, just in case – because of the way I felt about some areas of BEC in Becker (I have Jeff's notes for FAR too) – Yaeger should be here tomorrow and I'll have a better idea of what I think of it after I have a chance to look at it. πŸ™‚

    If you stick with Becker, I suggest reading Becker texts (more than once) more than I would suggest focusing on watching the lectures. I generally just push through the lectures pretty quickly to get the mnemonics, etc., written down that the lecturers present, but otherwise, I tend to understand more from reading on my own and practicing problems than from watching Becker's lectures – Becker's lectures are really just reading from Powerpoints, for the most part…why I decided to invest in Yaeger too for this section – to listen to a teacher go over the material too.

    AUD 92, REG 85, BEC 90, FAR 85
    Ethics 100
    Obtained License 7/11/11 πŸ™‚


    Look at the highest scores in this forum: Potatogun, whitesoxfancpa, Florida_Candidate, Dale, ItalianCPA and a few others, they all used Becker………………..

    FAR 88 - BEC 86 - AUD 90 - REG 85


    Stop Herbert, you're making me blush!

    Add yourself to that list. I think you're using Becker and you scored an 88 on an exam that gives a lot of people fits.

    AUD 96 FAR 95 REG 94 BEC 88


    Oceanman – I did pass with Becker the first time around, well with at least 3 exams hoping to get all 4 done, but I do think for the money they charge they could do a better job at their lectures, they are ridiculously dry and I wish I had found this site prior to buying Becker so I could have done some research on other exam prep software out there. I think Becker's works if you have a solid foundation of the material and need some refreshing, at times I think they move to quickly and are way too confusing on some of their topics where I have to go pull out my school books and look up things. If you don't think you are getting your money worth then return Becker and get Yaeger or just the wiley book and cd if the lectures aren't your thing… best of luck!

    FAR 7/2 - 88
    BEC 7/30 - 87
    AUD 8/27 - 80
    REG 11/12 - 96


    yes Whitesox, I'm using Becker for all the exam sections but you guys are out of my league. I feel my only chance to score in the 90's will be on AUD, which im taking on November.

    FAR 88 - BEC 86 - AUD 90 - REG 85


    Who gives a rats patuty about getting a 90, all that matters is is a 75!

    AUD 89
    BEC 84
    FAR 87
    REG 94!! ALL DONE


    Ya, and I am only using Becker because it was free from a Big4. So I can't say I defend it for the cost. But I mean it works for me, but I would make anything reasonable work if I had to.

    I also think paying for things like final reviews or crams are a bit ridiculous from the standpoint that you would hope the courses would provide such types of reviews for summary purposes as part of the main product. But the demand to ensure passing is obviously there so I can see why…

    FAR 92 - AUD 91 - REG 94 - BEC 86


    Thanks for the responses everyone. This site is really great and everyone tries to keep one another positive which definitely helps.

    @whitesox I understand that the ultimate goal is to pass the exam but there are many different means to an end. Just because I pass with Becker doesnt mean that I couldn't pass with another review (Based on how much time I put in I feel like I could have gone back through my old notes and textbooks and passed). Like I said I don't necessarily feel that I didn't pass, I just feel that for the price, I expected Becker's required study regimine to have me fully prepared if I put in the time. I not only did the required but also supplementary problems (a few times) as well as several reviews of the text. Last night I literally looked through the entire book and was so bored because I felt that I knew most everything from it and there was not much else I could do. Again I appreciate you trying to help and I know that the exam makes everyone feel that they didn't do well, but my gripe is more with the review not being as good as it claims rather than just being inadequate. I really hope you are right with being surprised by my score.

    And I don't mean to come on here to just vent about Becker. I plan on starting with AUD next week and I just wanted to see what others thought about the program after taking it or if anyone else might have felt the same way and made a switch. Or maybe if it were just for FAR because its such a broad exam and maybe Becker is better for others?

    I wish I could divulge some of the exam material just to see if it was abnormal. For perspective, I took two sets of notes while reviewing; one was actual notes and the other was formula-type notes of the biggest subjects (like how reconcile a particular account from beginning to end). These were the subjects that were really heavily weighted in the hw m/c. I went through the 15-20 or so subjects with “formulas” after the test and counted a good portion that were not even mentioned on the test. I also had many questions that were not mentioned at all in lectures (although some were in the text, just not in the lectures). I would give actual numbers for areas not tested but dont want to break any rules, but it was much more than I thought. After going through my notes after the test, it felt like I wasted a lot of time learning subjects that were not even touched on the exam, while things that were not mentioned had several questions.

    @herbert yeah I know that some people do really well using becker (like yourself), but like WI _11 says a 75 is all that matters in the end. I'm really hoping that I am one of those with a very high FAR score, but if I get it I'm just not sure I can attribute it to the study program. I also think there is a relationship between the individuals that you mentioned and how much they care about the test: These people are the types of candidates that (like us) were really concerned with doing well on the exam and passing the first time. Therefore, they went out and bought the most expensive and highly regarded review product, studied hard and passed the test with great scores. I would argue that this type of individual could have done well with other review products, but based on the type of person they are, bought the best one because it was important for them to do well in the first place. That being said I feel that Becker may have an unfair advantage with pass rates based on the type of candidates they attract; the ones that would put in the time to make sure that they pass.

    To clarify my question I just wanted to see what anyone thinks “seperates” Becker from the rest based on review quality? Is it the lectures? The m/c practice? Because I don't feel as if the lectures helped me too muchAs I mentioned I want to get started on AUD soon so any feedback would be a great help.

    @michelle Thanks for the advice, I will consider those other options for sure.

    @potato gun I also felt like it was almost insulting the way that they tried to sell you additional materials (during the lectures no less) after you just paid so much for their review. Like you said you would think that what they sold you would be enough to make sure you pass.

    Thanks again for all the responses.



    It worked for me, especially in AUD.

    Never been an auditor in my life (and never took a class in auditing) and I studied it in a week while going back to Italy for a family emergency. It really does a good job at explaining the concepts and the logic behind it. Once you understand why and how auditors work, almost every question is answerable.

    I can't say for FAR, obviously I got a great score, but FAR is by far (pun intended) the area where my professional background helps the most. Still, I think they did a great job with the mnemonics. The amount of stuff to remember is massive.

    I had a decent background in BEC (academic rather than professional), and I studied it for 2 weeks, so I'm satisfied.

    I'm studying REG, and have no background in taxation (besides very little on individual taxation from personal experience).

    My test is on Friday, still have three and a half days to review the other six chapters.

    FAR - 7/26/10 - 95
    AUD - 8/10/10 - 88
    BEC - 8/31/10 - 88
    REG - 10/15/10 - 95


    Becker is an excellent review program. I passed REG and AUD with it. It is great for theory and concepts. For example, I never took a gov't or NFP class in my life and had zero experience in those areas and auditing, yet I did well on the exams on those topics solely based on Becker's review. When I walked out of REG though, I felt exactly like you. I thought Becker did not prepare me at all

    FAR is such a crap shoot as far as what they will test. I've taken it three times and spent countless hours on topics that Becker said were on there and I never saw them once. I'm still going to study them because next time, I may get nailed with those topics. I also got simulations on topics I still can't find out how to answer.

    For FAR, I switched to Yaeger. They explain the concepts, journal entries and more of the basics that I need to work through the calulation-based problems. If I don't pass this time, it's obviously user-error. I'll probably use Yaeger for BEC too.


    I will defend Becker from here to the moon (I went 4 for 4), but I will also defend my study habits, # of hours studying and dedication to studying. Becker was very good, but it's your effort that can make or break your score. Becker puts as much information as possible (in an organized manner) in their materials. It's up to you to translate the hours spent studying to success on exam day. I will say, however, that if there are topics you don't understand in Becker, I see no problem supplementing your materials with Yaeger, etc. Whatever helps you understand what you're studying.


    I was very skeptical about using Becker at first. The primary reason is that one of my close friends who was also preparing for the CPA exam at that time told me that she doesn't like Becker at all and wouldn't recommend it. She just loved Yaeger and would brag about it (she passed all 4 sections). She mentioned that she had studied using Becker, but didn't think that the material was adequate. However, I chose Becker because my brother (who is also studying for CPA) highly recommended it. I have bought Bisk (nearly 5 yrs ago) and Yeager (nearly 2 yrs ago) for BEC with the desire for studying for the CPA exam. However, I wasn't very serious about it and didn't dedicate much time to it. But in 2010, I enrolled in the Becker class and really wanted to get this done with. I have to say that I really liked Becker and it works for me. I took FAR in Aug and passed it on my first try. I really believe that it adequately prepared me for it.

    This is what I think about review courses. It's not a matter of which one is best. It is a matter of choosing what style works for you. I personally like Becker for the following reasons. I am not someone who likes to sit down and read much. I get easily distracted when doing this. The Becker lectures which goes in a systematic order (page by page) helped me get a brief idea of the material first and then when I go back to read it, I can understand it better. It highlights the important topics. The PassMaster is awesome because it reinforces many of the concepts. I really hope that it would work for me for AUD, REG, & BEC as it worked for FAR.

    The key is to pick the one that really suits you. But then again, the time and effort you put into it matters much more. No matter which review course you pick, make sure that you work the MC questions as much as you can. Good luck!

    Texas: FAR 83 (8/25/10) | AUD 83 (11/22/10) | BEC 78 (2/26/11) | REG 90 (7/9/11)
    End of a two-year long CPA exam journey!


    I thought Becker's strongest section was AUD. I also used Becker for REG, too and did well. BEC was another story. I am very happy I switched to Yaeger because Becker was not cutting it and I think part of doing well on these exams is knowing when certain study material isn't working for you and to trust yourself enough to switch materials! I went with Yaeger for FAR, too honestly because I loved their teaching style in BEC and didn't wanna listen to Tim Gearty or Peter Olinto anymore (especially in FAR). It did the trick because after 4 weeks of studying, I passed with a 75! πŸ™‚

    Really though, everybody learns different. I wouldn't knock Becker because I passed 2 of the sections with it…but it might be a little overpriced for what you get.

    AUD - 84; REG - 90; BEC - 79; FAR - 75; ALL DONE!!


    Crazy coincidence???

    The simulation I had before that I could never find an answer to… Gary went over it in the lecture I just watched. Now I hope I get that dang sim again! Becker didn't touch it.

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