Becker CPA Flash Cards?

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  • #158678

    I use Becker study material. They’ve been working well for me, but I never use the flash cards that I bought additionally. I’ve heard many ppl tell me that the flash cards are really useful, but I never had the time to use them and didn’t feel necessary. I guess if you’re aiming at 90+ scores and have scheduled ample study time or more than 1 subject at once, it must be useful, but I just try to cram through the exams one by one in as little time as possible and a 75 is good enough for me. I never need to touch those cards… wondering if anyone feels this way.

    Created with Compare Ninja

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  • #256188

    I used them and actually added some flash cards of my own. I found that the flashcards sometimes focused on material that I overlooked. It was also a nice review for me while I was eating lunch or riding in a car with my husband to an exam.


    i love Becker flashcards, specially when they are included in the price of the program here in Puerto Rico ($1,500 US)

    FAR 88 - BEC 86 - AUD 90 - REG 85


    I picked out about a third of the AUD flashcards and used those and found them helpful. The other sections I looked at them but didn't find them helpful so didn't use them beyond my initial look at them.


    Compared with other subjects, did you all use the flashcards more for FAR or less? I find myself short of time again (gee I never feel the urgency till its almost time for the test! Want to shoot myself) and hope if I could do it w/o them for AUD and BEC, I won't need it again for FAR since it's mostly calculations?


    I didn't use them at all for FAR myself.

    On a side note, $1,500 for all of Becker including flashcards in Puerto Rico? I'm jealous big time.


    Never even opened the box. Didn't have time to play with flashcards and still got scores over 90. Flashcards are useless for me, never used them in college either.


    I had the flash cards included through my firm provided Becker materials. I have used them but I don't think they are critical for me or anything. Just depends on how you benefit from different study methods.

    FAR 92 - AUD 91 - REG 94 - BEC 86


    Update: i got an 88 on FAR!! with Becker and I really believe the flashcards indeed help me a lot for this section

    FAR 88 - BEC 86 - AUD 90 - REG 85


    I have used the Flashcards for REG, BEC And FAR ( so far). I think they were helpful with FAR, but I thought they were a waste of time for REG and BEC. I was annoywed when Peter Olinto kept saying you have to know this inside and out and this is your date for saturday night, however there is no flashcard for it.. WHAT DID I PAY FOR? I thougth they could have done a WAY better job on the flashcards. I could think of more useful flashcards than what was provided.


    GR: Waste of money.

    Exception: Very rarely a flashcard will clear something up using different language than what was in the book.

    AUD 96 FAR 95 REG 94 BEC 88


    HAHA whitesoxfancpa, that literally made me laugh out loud.

    There are SOOOO many flash cards for FAR… It overwhelms me just to look at them!!


    i agree with BShep – if you dont have a ton of time on your hands – this is when you actually NEED to use the flashcards, i go over them when i get ready in the morning, putting them on the bathroom counter and looking at one or two while i'm putting makeup on, then when i eat breakfast, i look at them too, on my way to work (only at red lights) i use that time while i'm waiting to study, dr appts waiting room, grocery store, etc. If i had all the time in the world is when i probably wont look at them bc when i would have time, i would just sit down with the book but these flashcards as so handy for those of us trying to squeeze in time when we can. I'm a HUGE advocator of the Becker flashcards.

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