Becker CPA Exam Question

  • This topic has 4 replies, 4 voices, and was last updated 15 years ago by Anonymous.
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  • #157209

    I am using Becker to study for FIN. I watch the lectures and then review the material one time (takes about an hour per chapter). I then attempt all of the homework questions for the chapter and do the simulations. I then review the material again and answer the questions that I missed the first time. I am worried that I am not doing that well on the MC questions, since I only average around a 60% to 70% the first time through them. Should I change my study plan?

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  • #217535

    My study experience: (used Becker for FAR, passed first time with an 80) I went 3 chapters at a time for breaking up that beast of a book!

    Typical study plan: Watch Lecture 1, do homework, watch lecture 2, do homework, watch lecture 3, do homework (getting 60-70% on the questions), then type notes on chapters 1-3, re-do homework (scores on the MCQs generally went up to between 75 and 80). Same process for chapters 4-6, then 7-9.

    About a week before my test I took a “practice test” which shows scores by chapter. Any chapter that I didn't score above a 75% on, I went back and worked all homework problems. Any homework re-work that I missed, I printed out, and wrote in my own words how to correctly answer the question. After I did all my “third time re-works” on homework, I did another practice test.

    I guess that's a long way of saying that I don't think you should change your study habits. I don't think that one time reviewing the material is enough to make FAR stick. I put in (conservatively) 150-200 hours over 2 months studying for this beast.


    Prolly not enough, you gotta get at least 90 on all the MCQs w/ Becker and earn that CHECKMARK but really wanna get them all correct. My plan has been Day 1 – watch lecture1, 2 – reread chapter 1 and do HW chaper 1 and “mark” any questions you missed or had to think too hard about, 3 – watch lect 2, 4 – same as day2 for ch2, 5 -reread chapter 1, redo all marked MCQs and do supplementals ch1 and do sims, 6 – same as day 5 for ch2, Throw a day off in there. Then after i complete all chapters one time through i go back reread each chapter and do all MCQs including supplemental at a clip of one chapter a day, then do that one more time at one a day. I try to leave myself w/ two or three days before exam to the Final Review MCQs (these are tough but will give you more persepctive) and Sims, i don't bother watching the Final Review lectures b/c they're a waste of time. I also try to squeeze in the Becker Final Exams in that two/three days and the released questions on the Becker site. Bottom line – did all questions at least 3 times and read all chapters at least 5 times (skimming by the end b/c it'll be so familiar) This has worked like a charm for me, been getting 90s on all sections just have REG in a couple weeks. 30-40 hrs a week (for FAR, others easier) is exhausting, but you can put up w/ anything for 6 months. This is obviously overkill, you don't get a cookie for getting an A, if you can figure out a middleground more power to ya, good luck!


    Thanks for the comments. I will keep plugging along and hopefully things will start to get better once I go over them a second and third time.


    I used Becker to study for Financial and was fortunate enough to have the time to go through the lectures twice. The first time, I highlighted and took notes and the second time I really listened to absorb the information. After I watch a lecture segment, I immediately start the MCQ. Once I complete all the lectures, I typically go back through the areas where I did not achieve 90% or higher. I have found it beneficial to read through each chapter and complete the supplemental questions once I have done the other multiple choice. When you are doing your final review, take advantage of the Becker Class Notes. Those hit the high points that you need to know for the exam. Review the areas you are not familiar with and read through the class notes a few times right before taking the exam. I have found this method to be very beneficial for me! I actually didn't do the practice simulations or the practice exams but I'm sure those will help as well! The main thing is to just keep doing the MCQ. Some of them will be the exact same question on the exam!

    Good luck!

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