Becker CPA Audit Strategy

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  • #174121


    First off.. i know, i know there are mutiple post on this subject..

    I’m currently on Becker A-3 in my 2nd week of studying.. My strategy so far has been..

    1) Going through the lecture section ex. A1.1 then A1.2 then A1.3 etc.

    2) After each section, I would write notecards for points I thought were important.

    3) After doing all sections, I do the HW questions.. I do pretty bad the 1st time.. like 60-70%.. although A-2 was very easy to me, i assume to most..

    4) Redo the questions I got wrong..

    5) Progress test..(after A2)

    So, I’m wondering if this is a good strategy.. I plan on using the last 2 weeks to go over my notes and go through all the MC’s over again..

    but, I havent been really absorbing all the memonics and stuff in the book.. I hear doing the MC’s over and over is the key to passing..

    idk i feel like it is nearly impossible to “memorize” all highlighted/memonics/etc in the becker book..

    wut are your thoughts BECKER users! thank you

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  • Author
  • #378178

    Hey andhkim,

    I'm in the same boat as you right now with Auditing, and I'm pretty much doing all the same things you are. I used it on my last two exams and I thought it went well.

    I had trouble with the mnemonics also, but I used a tip I got from one of the lecturers in a Becker live class. She actually made notes of all her mnemonics on post-its and stuck them on her wall at home and at work. Right now, a small section of my wall is filled with 30 or so post its, with mnemonics from Auditing. You'll be surprised by how much actually sinks in just by taking a peek every once in awhile.

    And another benefit is that your wall will look like a beautiful paper mache project after you're done with it.

    BEC 04/14/12 87
    FAR 08/28/12 88
    AUD 10/06/12 94
    REG 02/09/13 91

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