Becker CPA 2012 in 2013 !

  • Creator
  • #176147

    hey, well am planning to re-attend the BEC and REG in 2013 and i have Becker CPA 2012 is it still valid or not ??

    REG: 58,41,74,74,74,74,77
    BEC: 67,76*,79
    FAR: 62,68,60,75
    AUD: 76*,64,66,81
    * Expired

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  • Author
  • #397155
    Gerg, CPA

    yes. make sure to check Becker's website for updates though

    FAR - 1/26/2012 - PASSED (78, but Lost credit), re-do 11/27/2013 - PASSED (87)!
    AUD - EPIC FAIL, 71, 69; 68; 5/25/2013 - PASSED (85)!
    REG - 10/1/2012 - 72; 7/1/2013 - 73 UGH, 10/1/2013 - PASSED (85)!
    BEC - 2/28/2013 - PASSED (82)!
    Licensed CPA!

    Used Becker self-study materials (just this for FAR original & REG #1), WileyTestBank, NINJA notes/audio, and Roger cram course for AUD #5, REG #3 & FAR reboot. CPA!

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