Becker BEC Practice Exams

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  • #158933

    While doing the first Becker practice exam, I felt like I was getting a ton of answers wrong.

    However, my scores came out as follows:

    Testlet #1: 24/30

    Testlet #2: 27/30

    Testlet #3: 23/30

    Some of those answers were repeats from the PassMaster software that I memorized and didn’t even work out, probably some that I would have gotten wrong, but still, I’m pretty happy. For those who have taken the BEC practice exams in Becker, how did you do?

    AUD 96 FAR 95 REG 94 BEC 88

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  • #255523


    When I took the Becker practice exams, I felt the same way as you. I felt as if I was clicking answers from memorization rather than working them out. I scored the same as you on the first one, an 82. The second exam I scored a 69 and started to worry. I think I had read so much about Becker's score being lower than the actual exam that I got overconfident with my 82. Either way, the 69 forced me to buckle down the last couple days.

    I'm sure with your past test scores and the 82, you are more than prepared for BEC. Best of luck!

    BEC 7/9/10: 86
    FAR 8/24/10: 83
    AUD 10/1/10: 93
    REG 11/19/10: 89


    my real question is, how do I tackle REG!?!? Any advice? All your scores are so impressive. REG just feels like a new beast to me…FAR was a lot of material but also a lot of material I had seen before. I have taken one class in individual and corporate taxation and feel as if much of Becker's REG material is being shown to me for the first time. I just want to finish this off..hopefully it's my last exam!

    BEC 7/9/10: 86
    FAR 8/24/10: 83
    AUD 10/1/10: 93
    REG 11/19/10: 89


    REG was new to me for the most part, too. You just have to take baby steps, especially in the tax part. Don't get too caught up in the numbers for phaseouts, etc. You'll figure out which ones you need to know by working the homework. In some of the questions where you're required to know the number to calculate the answer, those are the ones I'd know. There aren't many. Just know the concepts well, know what's taxable/deductible and what isn't, and understand shareholder and the company's basis for corporations, S corporations, and partnerships (R3 and R4). Believe me, the PassMaster questions are great and will stress what you need to know.

    You did well on BEC and FAR. I'd use the same habits for REG. REG was the toughest one for me to grasp initially but after working the problems a handful of times, it began to click. Trust me, you'll get it. Once you do you'll realize it isn't all that hard at all. Just a lot of little rules that you'll learn through working the homework problems. And don't get discouraged if you do terrible the first time through some of them. In R3 I got 50-something % the first time through a couple of the sets of questions. Just take it step by step and you'll nail it.

    AUD 96 FAR 95 REG 94 BEC 88


    Thanks whitesoxfan..I didn't mean to take over your post about BEC. I really appreciate the tips. I'm going through each multiple choice question and writing down the rules in the answer explanations so I make sure I understand where all answers are coming from. Hopefully this helps with the numbers. I'm spending one weekend on R1/R2 since it's individual and another on R3/R4 since it's corporate. The next week or so will be spent finishing out business law…then two and half weeks to review. Praying for an end to this journey.

    Best of luck on BEC! You'll do great! Hopefully the holidays this year will be spent celebrating for both of us. And no more studying!!!!

    BEC 7/9/10: 86
    FAR 8/24/10: 83
    AUD 10/1/10: 93
    REG 11/19/10: 89


    whitesoxfan, From my understanding you will be a cpa very soon with that score in the practice exam : D

    FAR 88 - BEC 86 - AUD 90 - REG 85


    BEC Practice Exam #2 Results:

    Testlet #1: 25/30

    Testlet #2: 20/30

    Testlet #3: 23/30

    Total of both practice exams:

    142/180 = 78.89%

    I guess that's not so bad. I did about the same on FAR and REG but did better on AUD.

    AUD 96 FAR 95 REG 94 BEC 88


    Hey Guys

    Are you guys talking about the Final Review from Becker? or the practice exam from the software (progressive test)?



    The two practice exams from the software.

    AUD 96 FAR 95 REG 94 BEC 88

    fla 335

    yea same here, when i took the BEC practice exams the scores were lower and i went back and reviewed the material.

    i took the exam this past weekend so lets see how it goes.

    AUD - 78
    REG - 75
    BEC - 75
    FAR - TBD

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