Becker BEC Hw Question

  • Creator
  • #161094

    Becker Question –

    Hi everyone! Good luck and continuing knocking out these exams!

    I just started studying BEC and I gotta say, this exam is a nightmare compared to AUD that i took on the 26th haha.

    Would it be a bad idea to skip the multiple choice for Cost Measurement on BEC 1 and go back to in the my final review weeks?

    I appreciate all and any feedback given, thanks!

    AUD - 7/26/11 - pass
    BEC - 8/31/11 - pass
    FAR - 10/14/11 - pass
    REG - 11/26/11 - pass
    2/27/15 - pass
    5/9/15 - pass

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  • Author
  • #291267

    You could always skip every other one — that way you still get a feel for it. You're going to come up on a lot more stuff that you want to skip (in BEC 3 and 5) so you may want to pace yourself so you're not leaving all the calculations till the end. (I'm assuming its the massive amounts of calculations that's making you want to skip)

    One thing I did was to do the calculations while looking at the book, so that I got a feel for the formulas without feeling like an idiot because I couldn't remember them. I marked them in case I wanted to go back and do them without notes, but I found that as a got into the 60s and beyond I started to feel more comfortable with the formulas and could solve problems without looking.

    Good luck!

    REG -- October 3!!
    FAR -- Pass
    BEC -- Pass
    AUD -- Pass


    is it allowable to talk about a ballpark approximation of the potential amount of cost accounting/solving questions on the 72 questions of BEC?

    AUD - 7/26/11 - pass
    BEC - 8/31/11 - pass
    FAR - 10/14/11 - pass
    REG - 11/26/11 - pass
    2/27/15 - pass
    5/9/15 - pass

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