Becker BEC Final Exam Results

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  • #159751

    I wanted to see how everyone is doing on the two final exams Becker gives to do. I know some people say that you end up doing better on the real exam and that Becker exams are harder…so I just wanted to see where everyone was at to know what to expect. From my experience, I feel like these final exams can either give an artificial confidence or be complete confidence killers! I have mixed feelings about them. How are you all doing?


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  • #282605

    From my experience with the Becker exams and from that of what the Becker live instructors say is to do the Practice Exams early. Do not do them close to your exam day (about 1 week or so) or else they will just kill you confidence. They do have some very similar questions, but most more difficult and lengthy. What I would gather from the practice tests is time management for the actual exam, and a basic understanding of the material being asked. I think a score in the 60s usually means you have the a good idea of what is going on. If in the 70s, then no doubt you should pass the actual. At least that is what I am hoping, I had a 72 on my practice exam last week, and have the real deal next week. GL!

    BEC - 71, 74, 77 (Feb - 2011)
    FAR - 73, 78 (Feb - 2011)
    REG - 83 (Nov 2010)
    AUD - 71, 84 (May 2011) - Done!! CPA licensed in TX (July 2011)


    Hi – Just for reference I took BEC in November 2010 and got around high 60's on the becker practice exams, and then on the exam I got an 82. I have only taken 2 tests, but my experience is Becker is definitely harder – but it will prepare you well for the real thing. Good luck!


    I am taking BEC this coming Saturday and I just took Final Exam 1 on Becker and scored 83,70,70 on the MCQ. I am not sure if that is great, but if Boston CPA scored in high 60s and passed then maybe that is a good sign for me?

    REG 85 | FAR 85 | AUD 88 | BEC 76!!! DONE!!!!


    Took a Final exam last friday(exactly 1 week before my exam) and scored a 68 overall, and I felt pretty good about that. In my experience you can usually add about 10-15% to your score in Becker to get an idea where you will stand on the actual exam. In your case you seem pretty well prepared based on your scores on the practice exam. Obviously you will want to keep pounding it out until your exam but I'd be feeling pretty confident if I was in your shoes.


    Took Exam #1 on the Becker Software last night. Scored a 70, 75, 66 of the MC. Test is Friday. I'll do the 2nd Exam on Thurday…


    I just took practice exam #2 and got 70, 70 and 62 (ouch)…..any updates on how people scored on the actual test after the practice exams? I feel like I hit a wall recently and was almost better prepared a week ago than I am now. I test in a few days and am feeling slightly discouraged. Any last minute updates or advice would be nice.

    B - 85 (5/31/11)
    A - 93 (7/1/11)
    R - 87 (7/29/11)
    F - 77 (8/31/11)


    I'm in the same boat, WhyMe23. I took the 1st Becker practice exam and scored what I would consider really well based on everyone's comments. However, I took the 2nd one today and I'm questioning myself again.

    I think we have to think of it like this…we know what we know and truth be told we have no idea what questions we'll have on exam day. So really, Becker's exams just help you with time constraints, and getting a feel for what the exam is.

    We'll know what we know when we go into the testing center, and hopefully we'll prevail! Best of luck to you!


    1st Becker Exam 91

    2nd Becker Exam 76

    The problem is the 1st Becker exam contained several of the exact same homework questions, which I thought was lame.

    BEC - 88 (MAY 2011)
    REG - 91 (MAY 2011)
    AUD - 90 (July 2011)
    FAR -(TBD)

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