Becker bad for REG?

  • This topic has 20 replies, 15 voices, and was last updated 13 years ago by Anonymous.
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    So I’m retaking REG in a couple weeks after a horrible experience the first time around. The simulations absolutely destroyed me on this exam. They were completely out of left field, as were many of the MCQs. I personally feel Becker did a horrible job at preparing me for this exam. On the other hand, I felt Becker was more than adequate for AUD & BEC (and this isn’t just because I passed those and failed REG). Some topics simply aren’t covered in Becker, or aren’t stressed enough. Has anyone else come across this problem with REG? I recently bought the Wiley Test Bank just to have an extra source of questions, but I really don’t feel like purchasing more study materials. Afterall, they’re quite expensive.


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  • #325103

    Make sure you read the ancillary in Becker, SEVERAL times. My first two attempts at REG–I connected my “out of left field” MCQ to the ancillary material. Becker books/ancillary is great for REG. But like you, I bombeeeed my REG exam (twice lol). I also purchased the Wiley test bank like you, and bumped my score 20 points. I felt very very confident during my actual exam (#3) and I thank Wiley for that. This is just my opinion but, I would master Becker, then move on to Wiley–and go hard on Wiley until your exam. Another trick that helped me for REG was to take notes (make 4-5 pages per chapter of muy importante topics) and re-write them. That hasn't worked for me for AUD unfortunately, but was a great trick for REG. Also, those simulations, which are freaking crazy for REG– utilize your research tab for all of the SIMs. You might get a question thinking “wtf are they even asking?? I know it's something about–blah blah blah, but what?!” So you have an idea on what the topic is they're asking about, but not how to actually do it. If you research that topic, you will be pleasantly surprised that you will be able to answer the SIM.

    Good luck! Slay the beast this time around!

    AUD 81 (X4) Previous scores 59, 72, 72
    REG 80 (X3) Previous scores 59, 60
    FAR 75 (X2) Previous score 67
    BEC 79 (X2) Previous score 58


    I passed REG with Becker and zero tax experience. It's sufficient but you need to:

    1) Use the Research tabs to do the sims. I would of failed if I didn't.

    2) Do not skip the ancillary material. Why they even classify it as ancillary is stupid because it's heavily tested.

    3) Don't just focus on the tax portion. The business side is just as important if not more so for the MCQs.

    4) Don't waste brain power memorizing phase out time frames or dollar amounts. Just know what deduction/credit goes in what section of the return and the % of AGI or caps if applicable.

    Good Luck!


    Where in the world is this ANCILLARY MATERIAL (Live Becker Course 2011)? Help….


    @lion_cpa If you have Becker 2012 REG materials, Ancillary Materials is R-8, which is self-study even for the Live class. However, the Professional Code is in R-4 (50 pages worth). First time I took REG I used CPAExcel which I do not like! But I learn better in a structured classroom setting, that's why I'm taking the Becker Live classes. I take REG on Feb 4.

    I breezed through R-1 & R-2 but R-3 Corporate Tax is killing me! I have spent at least 4 hours on Corporate Tax MCQ's alone and I'm still not through the 123 questions. It seems like I'm having to look everything up cuz the questions are “Greek.” I'm hoping when I'm doing so, I'm actually learning the concepts so I can answer them right on the exam.

    FAR - 63, 79
    AUD - 83!
    REG - 37, 79
    BEC - 70, 79


    I would suggest supplementing Becker with Wiley MC a week or two before the exam. Nice to get some fresh questions closer to exam time. I used about 70% of my study time on chapters 1-4 in Becker 2011. Also as mentioned above do not take the ancillary material too lightly.

    AUDIT 7/29/11 - 87
    REG 10/7/11 - 86
    BEC 11/24/11 - 85
    FAR 2/24/12 - ???


    @twest, did you use CPAExcel for your other exams, as well as your first REG attempt?

    AUD 81 (X4) Previous scores 59, 72, 72
    REG 80 (X3) Previous scores 59, 60
    FAR 75 (X2) Previous score 67
    BEC 79 (X2) Previous score 58


    Seems like CPAExcel is getting popular lol…everyone says Wiley's questions are difficult, but I get better scores on Wiley than on CPAExcel..


    Terminator – I have tix to see Radiohead in March 🙂


    Jeff, where are you seeing Radiohead?! They're one of my top favorite bands. Love them

    AUD 81 (X4) Previous scores 59, 72, 72
    REG 80 (X3) Previous scores 59, 60
    FAR 75 (X2) Previous score 67
    BEC 79 (X2) Previous score 58


    @Jeff…I also have tickets for the Tampa show on Feb 29, but I don't think I'll go. KOTL is not very appealing to me nor In Rainbows, and that's what their setlist will be based on. If you add to that that I live 3 hours away from Tampa and that I have to wake up @ 6:30 the next day, it seems even more impossible. I wish I had known they would be @ Coachella, then I would've gone there, but that's just life…lol..Make sure you tell me how it goes though…


    @Peanut I only used CPAExcel the first time around for FAR and REG. Then I switched to the Becker Live class. I like Becker because they teach the material AND how to test. After switching to Becker, I passed FAR and then AUD. It was the very first time for AUD.

    FAR - 63, 79
    AUD - 83!
    REG - 37, 79
    BEC - 70, 79


    Becker covers everything pretty good. Make sure you watch the youtube videos for the Becker Ancillary if you have the 2011 edition.

    I walked out of the testing center pretty sure I didn't pass, but I ended up passing with an 84. I did hardly any of the Wiley testbank too.


    I just took the exam literally about an hour ago AND I used becker 2011. Do not skip the ancillary portion! This is my first time taking REG and I didn't know what to expect. I literally got about a handful of tax problems. The remainder of my exam was strictly based on chapters 4-7 of the becker material. I got one individual tax question. I felt like all three testlets were equally as hard. And the simulations…OMG! Now I know why people say they come straight out of left field. I could have memorized the Becker simulations like the back of my hand and it still wouldn't have prepared me for the exam. Not sure if Becker does a good job at that because the becker simulations were ten times easier. I had to research my simulations (ALL 6 OF THEM!!!). This exam was no joke. I think it was harder than FAR and AUD 🙁 Praying for a miracle at this point **crossing fingers**


    @Peanut – I'm seeing them in KC.

    Terminator – I like In Rainbows a lot … I hope they don't turn the show into “TKOL From the Basement”.

    They could play the entire OK Computer and I'd be happy with that though 🙂


    I just got out of REG yesterday and I used Becker. To be honest, the exam wasn't that far off base. Although it covered less tax than I anticipated. There was one simulation which I thought was unfair, but that seems to be the case with every test, and I'm hoping that is the material they sneak in but don't grade just to destroy your confidence. I had one just like that during AUD.

    But you should absolutely not skip the material listed as ancillary. To be honest, you wouldn't get much out of listening to a guy drone on about federal tax procedure, but even then, they provided a Youtube link to watch in case you're into that kind of thing.

    A - 93 - 10/25/2011
    R - 92 - 1/17/2012
    B - 91 - 5/31/2012
    F - 93 - 10/1/2012
    E - 90 - 11/17/2012


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