Becker AUD Software Update

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  • #1755545

    Is anyone else using Becker, taking the Audit exam before June 10th, and having issues with the software update? I was using version 3.1 because it had the material for the 2nd quarter testing, but the software automatically updated on April 1st to the 3.2 version and now all of my work/progress is gone. I called tech support and they will have someone call me back. Are you kidding me??? My exam is only 9 days away!

    Becker Updates

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  • #1755575

    There should be a button in the top bar of each chapter that says switch version. It's in the box that has average study time, unit outlines, and pre annotated ebook options. But now that I look at it, it appears I only have that option for Chapter 1 now, and I thought I did for a few other chapters before…taking audit Friday so I am just in the final review stages of cranking out progress tests, but that's definitely annoying if they did remove the option.


    Yes, it looks like they removed the option to choose which version. What about all of the people that are taking it 2nd quarter and need the older version? I'm not impressed with Becker's customer service response time, nor their foresight. Best of luck on Friday!

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