BEC with Becker

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  • #1840696

    For anyone who has taken BEC and studied using Becker, are any of the MCQ on the exam as long as some of these are in Becker? I remember FAR being like this, but the exam had nothing comparable in word length or the process you had to go through to get an answer. I’m just curious because I know BEC is more calculation based

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  • #1840703



    I thought BEC with Becker was absolute trash. Their MCQs (in my experience) were nothing like my exam and there were hardly any calculation intensive problems. On top of that, Becker's questions in BEC in general are just bad. If it wasn't for Gleim's test bank I probably would have failed.


    Best I recall, Becker was a little longer. After walking out of the exam, I didn't feel like Becker prepared me enough. I ended up doing just fine on it though. If you can handle what's in Becker you will be good to go for the real exam.


    I'll echo what @Chandler said. I remember leaving the exam frustrated with Becker because I didn't feel it represented the test well but I ended up doing fine.

    But in fairness, BEC is one of the exams were examiners really can test you on pretty much anything. With audit and REG, you at least know what's coming because the testing material is more limited in nature. I'm sure some quarters for BEC exams are more linear to what Becker tests you on.


    I'd have to say the 1st testlet on my BEC exam was very calculation intensive. In that sense, Becker was helpful, but Becker did not prepare me adequately for the IT portion of the exam.


    There were quite a few mcqs in Becker that were ABSURDLY long and calculation intensive. I remember some of them would take me minutes just to read all the information presented to me. They are much more straight-forward on the exam so if you can nail them in Becker you'll be good to go on exam day. BEC suuuuuuucks!


    thanks everyone, I definitely feel you on the length.. I just remember doing FAR consolidation problems and they were forever long in calcs but nothing on my exam came close to the stuff Becker asked for.. planning to utilize wiley for IT before the exam unless I get lucky and win the contest Jeff is having!


    I had a little bit of a difference experience than most here (coming from someone who just took the exam at the beginning of this month). As some have mentioned, I felt Becker over prepared me for the calculation questions and I felt extremely confident on most of them on my exam. I also felt like the conceptual questions were more common sense, and Becker at least covered the subject for each question I came across.

    That probably means I ended up failing haha but I would feel confident walking into your exam if you're doing well on Becker.

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