BEC – final review week using Becker

  • Creator
  • #2588961
    Biff Tannen

    My exam is schedule for Monday of next week at noon. I’ve complete the Becker final review, and have one week to practice additional MCQs. My plan of action for this week is:

    1. Complete all Becker supplemental MCQs for all chapters by Thursday.
    2. Friday and Saturday redo all homework MCQs for all the critical areas that will most likely be tested (cost accounting, variance analysis, financial management, etc.)
    3. Sunday before the exam – review flashcards, notes, and the Becker outlines. Additionally, work about 5 written communication simulations to prep for the WC portion of the exam.
    4. Monday morning (day of the exam) – continue reviewing notes and Becker outlines.

    Is this a good plan for the week before the exam?

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  • Author
  • #2589000
    Biff Tannen

    I’ve taken the Becker mock exams 1 and 2 and scored a 51 and 62, respectively. I don’t know if I’ll be taking mock exam 3 – I would rather focus my time this last week on practicing all critical areas by working an insane amount of MCQs

    Jimmy Dugan

    Yeah, good plan, mainly the part about hitting the questions hard. If you know your week areas, study those in your notes the hardest. No sense wasting a bunch of time on areas you already know well.

    Since you have Becker, watch some of the skillmaster videos. Those helped me on sims more than anything.

    Biff Tannen

    @Jimmy thanks – I haven’t really used the skill master videos at all throughout my studies, but ive been scoring low in the sims portion of the mock exams, so I will definitely review the skill master videos. Thanks

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