BEC Becker practice exam 2

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  • #163595

    I just took the practice exam 2.. 54 first testlet 75 second testlet 50 third testlet. This one through me for a loop. I had some distractions during the first testlet but should not have been enough to be this bad.. I am confused because practice exam 1 I made 74, 79, 70. I was curious to see how this practice exams compared to other people who have taken them (2011 version of Becker). Benchmarking my previous exams that I have passed, this exam is below my passing mark. I take my test tomorrow at 1:00. Any comments, advice, testimony would be greatly appreciated.

    BEC - 81 11/30/11 Praise God
    FAR - 84 7/11/11
    AUD -70,64,72, IM DONE!! 90 7/5/12
    REG - 84 10/07/11

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  • Author
  • #311515

    Anyone ?? Ill keep “BUMPING” back up.. HELP!!!!! lol

    BEC - 81 11/30/11 Praise God
    FAR - 84 7/11/11
    AUD -70,64,72, IM DONE!! 90 7/5/12
    REG - 84 10/07/11


    I just finished practice exam 2 for AUD (I have it tomorrow! Ah!) and I have had more trouble with exam 2 for both AUD and BEC. It seems to me like the second one is harder.


    This is your fourth test, you should be able to gauge where you stand based on how you did on the previous Becker exams for your prior 3 tests. That being said, I am trying to find my Becker results for you. Two 50's isn't great though, I'm not going to lie. You passed the two harder sections though. Do you feel like you know the material in BEC?


    I can't remember my actual results for the two practice exams in Becker but I do know that my first practice exam wasn't as high as yours and my second practice exam was really bad!! I also remember looking through someone else's post and noticing that there second exam was significantly lower also. And like you, I think I took my two practice tests the day before the exam. I still passed with an 80 🙂

    Don't get discouraged!!! Just get as many MCQ as you can in today and I bet you will do great.


    Ok…Just checked my scores for you.

    On BEC exam 1: 87, 87, 87

    On BEC exam 2: 83, 83, 75

    For AUD 1: 90, 96, 90

    AUD 2: 86, 90, 93

    If anyone that has taken AUD before can give some insight on my AUD scores it would be greatly appreciated! 🙂



    lol AMC. You are scoring in the 90s on your AUD final exams and you are looking for insight. Let's go ahead and assume you are doing ok.


    @mini — I thought that I knew the material really well. All of my 100 progress test have been in the 85-92 range. I am not sure what the problem is. I reviewed my exam and found some easy mistakes that I made, but also got some right that I should not have.

    I will continue to work tonight and try to sand down my edges. I was really on a high after taking the first exam. glad I did the second and got exposed.. Good motivation should have taken these prac exams last week. So I would have a little more time.

    @ AMC — you look like you are ready to go.. lol

    BEC - 81 11/30/11 Praise God
    FAR - 84 7/11/11
    AUD -70,64,72, IM DONE!! 90 7/5/12
    REG - 84 10/07/11

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