BEC Becker mock exams

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  • #1861645

    So I just did Becker’s mock exams and found the sims to be extremely weird and random. Thankfully, I didn’t really have a problem doing the sims on the AICPA sample exam. Can I assume that being comfortable with the sims on the AICPA sample exam is enough or should I start panicking that I did horribly on the sims on the practice exam? Wondering what others who took BEC after studying with Becker have to say.


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  • #1861648

    I thought the SIMs on the actual BEC exam were straightforward compared to other sections (FAR/AUD). Becker makes BEC (MCQ & SIM) more complex than the actual exam. You should be fine. I got 60-70s on all the mock exams, and ended up passing with a 87.


    Don't panic after taking the BEC mock exams. I thought BEC was the hardest of any mock exam in Becker.

    ME 1: 66
    ME 2: 74
    Actual: 96

    Walking out of the real exam, I wasn't too confident that I hadn't wasted my money with Becker, but it prepared me well enough I guess LOL.


    The Becker BEC mock exams are the hardest ones of the whole course. There is a spreadsheet floating around on the internet somewhere of a person who keeps track of people's Becker mock exam scores vs. actual scores. The Becker “bump,” as they call it, is the increase of a person's actual score in relation to their final mock exam scores. The average “bump” for BEC is 25 points, for REG is 13 points, and for AUD & FAR is 10 points. I am living proof that the “bump” exists as all my actual scores have gone up by the exact average “bump” the spreadsheet said it would.

    ME 1: 51
    ME 2: 64
    Actual: 89 – Bump of 25 points

    ME 1: 64
    ME 2: 73
    ME 3: 77
    Actual: 90 – Bump of 13 points

    It was my first exam and I didn't really know what I was doing yet. I only gave myself 1 week to review instead of the 2 weeks I know I need now. I ran out of time to review any SIMs or take any mock exams because I was just crushing MCQ's for a solid week leading up to the test.
    Actual: 76


    Thanks so much guys, I feel so much better now! And @chandler your scores are seriously impressive!!!

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