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  • #173997

    Hello All;

    After finishing strategic planning and making good notes, I was so ready for Becker MCQ. I thought this was my topic. But I scored 58% after 50 MCQ. I was really demotivated . I have to do 200 mcq more . 1 mcq is taking me 5 minutes. I am not sure how to tackle them is someone feeling the same that becker mcq are just too much?

    Or shall I just practice wiley test bank and ignore becker mcq ? would that be like I am taking a big chance?

    Any suggestion will be appreciated.



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  • #376751

    I did the same thing.. Becker videos, then proceeded to study keenly the book as well as making my notes. Come MCQs, I was lost! The answers baffled me more but I still proceeded to solve it again, to think I had my book and notes open. Each problem seems to be a mix of several concepts.

    My strategy for doing the Cost MCQs were (Hopefully this will work w/ Strategic Planning):

    – Print problems out

    – Underline key words (ex. WA vs FIFO)

    – Solve them again on the printed sheet

    – Compare several problems why the other is different (doing this really sharpened my skills)

    Most of the computational problems are meant to confuse us, once you take out all the irrelevant figures its a bit simplier (just a bit). The question clears up if you instantly know what they're looking for, I read the question first before reading the entire problem. That way I didn't get too intimidated. It took me forever to get through the Cost MCQs, but now I know them by heart, reveiwing them should not be as tedious.

    This is my first section though. I'm planning to answer Wiley after my 2nd round with the Becker questions. The material is sticking with me but I'm always trying to find ways to study more efficiently, I might make adjustments depending on how things go. Skipping Becker questions shouldn't be one of them, but gotta admit some of these questions are not my favorite.

    Becker 2012, NINJA notes


    @Nam – If the MCQ are taking you 5 minutes each and you are scoring 58% on them, this means you do not have a good understanding of the concepts. I would go back and reread through the material, rewatch the lectures, and then go through the multiple choice again. Don't push them aside just because they are difficult. The Becker questions are a pretty good representation of what you are going to be seeing on the exam.


    @sdgh – The computational questions are not meant to “confuse” you, they are meant to test your understanding of the concept.


    Becker does teach a lot of stuff through its MCQ's – this is particularly true for the cost problems.

    Meaning, it's completely normal for you to do poorly in the MCQs. I think that Becker expects this as they don't really walk you through many of these cost problems in the chapter. Instead they want you to do the problems, get many of them wrong, and learn by reading the solutions.

    I wouldn't worry so much that you are only getting 58% correct. Now I would be worried if you were both getting 58% AND did not understand the answer explanations. Once you read the solutions, it should click for that type of problem.

    If it doesn't, then perhaps you should go back and read the chapter or watch the lecture. Otherwise, I suggest you keep plowing away at the multiple choice.

    And I can see how it takes you a long time to do those problems. Some of them just take a long time. HOwever, many of them give you alot more information than you need and it can be beneficial to jump to the end to see what the Q is really asking you before wasting time on it.

    Last thing I would do is give up and change review courses. That doesn't make any sense. Becker is good – stick with it.

    REG - Passed!!
    BEC - Passed
    FAR - Passed
    AUD - Passed

    Study Materials: Becker basic course


    Thank you guys! xxx

    I think I will stick with Becker for BEC.. :-/


    Forget about the 58%, those questions are preparing you to do well. Frustrating as it is, stay at them, you will get it, and the test wont be that difficult. Just my opinion.

    REG 83 – 08/06/2012

    BEC 10/6/2012


    Im doing FAR and I do lecture in sections – take notes right after – do the MCQ.

    After lecture and my own reading and notes I feel so confident and think i will crush the MCQ. I usually get anywhere around 45-75% depending on the subject. Just try your best and keep re-working them.

    Ive definitely learned 2x the amount from continuously doing MCQ and learning from my mistakes than listening to becker lectures.

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