BEC Becker Chapter 2

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  • #156922

    Anyone that has used Becker for BEC, are the appendices at the end of chapter 2 worth studying. It just seems like a lot and that other info is probably more important. Also, is the IT chapter helpful when it comes to the exam? It seems hard to study.

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  • #209201

    IT chapter did a good job i thought of covering the main topics. Was chapter 2 Economics? Either way I would focus more of your time on the cost accounting stuff.


    I agree with Packer, the IT chapter is pretty good at covering the topics even if it seems dull. From the Chapter 2 appendixes I would suggest the 4 main components of the SCOR model and the call/put options stuff.

    FAR 86 | BEC 94 | AUD 90 | REG 85
    All done! used Becker


    I just took BEC last Thursday and used Becker as my study material. I did not read the appendix in Chapter 2, only the section if it was covered in a multiple choice question. Chapter 2 is only worth 8-12% of the exam. You would be better served on spending much more time on Chapter 4 & 5 since they make up 22-28% each which is about half the exam. The one thing I will say, if I received the typical BEC exam last Thursday, the Becker Practice Final Exams are brutal compared to the actual exam. I bombed both Practice Final Exams but left the test center feeling very confident that I did well. The Becker material more than prepared me for the exam.

    Good Luck.



    Am i going crazy thinking I posted something or did I disclose too much in my post and got it deleted?


    I had to delete it…it was on the bad side of borderline. Sorry Anna.


    Oh no, I am sorry. Will be more careful in future:)


    iloveaccounting, should download the updates for the IT section from the Becker. I found that IT was heavily tested on my BEC exam

    BEC 90 REG 88 FAR 90 AUD 85- DONE


    I agree with the previous post about downloading the updates. As painful as it is, read the 63 page glossary. It will at least help you to eliminate the choices that don't make sense!

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