Audit – Beckers Chapter 4 -memorize or practice, whats your strategy?

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  • #157683

    For those who have passed Audit or are comfortable with Becker’s chapter 4, what was your approach to mastering Audit Evidence.

    In Jeff’s book, it says there are a few subjects in audit that should be mastered via practice, over memorization. I’m thinking transaction cycles and audit evidence is an area to practice, but this chapter was my Kryptonite last round I took audit so any tips or advice would be greatly appreciated.

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  • #228427

    I took audit and felt I did OK. I should be getting my score sometime soon.

    My take is that A4 and A5 in Becker are the two that require the most “practice.” That said, you should still know the basics (for example, confirmations provide evidence about existence and rights & obligations, not valuation). But I think transaction cycles and evidence are good ones to practice rather than memorize, for the most part. Same with statistical sampling. Another thing to consider is that through practice questions you will eventually memorize the stuff.

    AUD 96 FAR 95 REG 94 BEC 88


    AUD-4 is a good place to spend a good chunk of time learning. Knowing the stuff vs just plain memorizing it is always better, although you can get by on memorization. Being confident in the Audit Evidence topics will go a long way to helping you come exam day.

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