AUD Studying – Becker

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  • #1867603


    I am beginning to study for The AUD Section using Becker. I am not eligible to sit for the exam until late October so my plan is to go through the AUD study plan once which will put me roughly 8 or so weeks out from the exam so I’ll then be able to hit it a little harder and cram it into my short term memory.

    First question: is this a good strategy given my situation?
    Secondly: What is the best study strategy? (broad, I know) I typically learn best visually and then retain it by doing or hands on. I am not good at learning by hearing. Tips are welcome!

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  • #1867609

    IMO the only study plan to follow is your own. You won't know how you respond to the material until you begin going through it. October is also far away to begin studying at least for Audit, but again everyone is different. Most people put roughly 8 weeks into Aud at the max or at least thats what it seems like.


    I don't plan on putting a ton of weeks into studying for each section, but as I am not eligible to take the exam until Late October and I am eager to study now, I thought going through everything twice would be beneficial.


    I guess it wouldn't hurt.. I would honestly suggest taking a month- month and a half until starting to study. Hopefully other people chime in as these are just my opinions


    Just thought I would chime in here. Are you set on taking AUD first? You might think about starting with FAR if you want to start studying sooner rather than later. It has quite a bit more material than AUD, and the sooner you can knock it out the better. Almost 4 months is a really long time to study for AUD, and I think you'll find going through everything twice to be extreme overkill and a waste of time. I used Becker on all 4 sections, and FAR was the only one I studied for more than 5 weeks while working full-time.

    You might not find this helpful, but let me know if you have any questions.


    I would do FAR first, but with my Graduate Program for school this year starting the first week of September I have a 7 week AUD prep class and then starting the last week of October I start a FAR prep class. I wanted to plan the along the lines of those prep classes (I can’t change those classes as they are offered once per year and I have to take them). I’ll have 3 classes, college wrestling and work going on starting in September so I wanted to “overkill” it in order to nail the concepts while I’ll be busy. However, once I start my FAR prep class I’ll only have that class going on (as well as wrestling and work). I was planning on taking FAR the first week of Jan.


    Generally people like taking Far first but in your case AUD makes sense. 4 months of studying for AUD and you should know the material cold. I also studied for AUD at the same time as taking a graduate Audit class and it helped a lot. AUD was a breeze for me.

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