AUD Becker Mock Exam/MCQ Issue 2018Q2

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  • #1724125


    I apologize if this has been addressed in a previous post but I would appreciate any insight to this topic.

    I am currently studying for AUD with Becker and plan to take the exam in April 2018. Since I am taking audit before 7/1, I am studying the old material regarding reporting in A1. I am wondering if the becker mock exams will reflect this material as well as the updated material within A2-A6, OR if the exams will only cover new material from version 3.2 for A1-A6?

    I have read something implying the progress exams in A2-A6 using v3.2 will refer back to v3.2 A1, so my results might be a little messed up since I’m studying v3.1 for A1. Not sure if this is true though.

    Thank you in advance for any insight and advice. I am finishing up A1 today, so I’m really in the beginning stages but want to be prepared in the coming weeks. Also, if anyone has any “must do” tips in regards to supplemental study materials for AUD please feel free to share!


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  • #1727431

    I am basically in the same boat you are. I emailed them regarding this and this is what they responded:

    Dear Kmgentil,

    Thank you for contacting Becker Professional Education! I was advised the Mock Exams were updated as well so the questions that you see are based on the correct corresponding version. You may also reach out to Academic Support as well for additional information. As a side note, please read the following and see the attached file if you wish.

    Version 3.1 has 99% of the materials that will be tested. If you have Version 3.1 of textbook, you can use it. There's a few pages that you need to get from Version 3.2. The only thing that matters to you from this PDF document is the first page of this document. You need to print a few pages from A4, A5 and A6.

    Version 3.2 of the textbook may also be used, except for A1 and a few other pages in A5 and A6. The only thing that matters for your needs is from the attached PDF document is the second and third page of the document.

    Please see the attached document and print the relevant pages for your needs.

    Hope this helps!


    So basically, I believe everything that was changed in chapter 1 regarding issuers will be the only things that we have to ignore on the practice tests.

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