AUD Becker Final Exam #2

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  • #169478

    Becker Question –

    Just finished the Final exam #2, got 70,73, 76. Exam scheduled for next monday and now i lost all the confidence to pass……

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  • #339632

    You can pass. General rule is to add about 10 points to your Becker final exam score. Just spend the last of your time reviewing like crazy. Good luck!!


    Don't lose confidence, it will not do you any good.

    Although I can't say I speak from experience (considering I take my first part on Monday), from what I have gathered on this forum is you can generally add 10 points to your Becker final exam score for your actual score. If that is true, you are in decent shape. My two cumulative Becker final exam scores were a 74 (exam 1) and a 75 (exam 2), and that doesn't have me the least bit worried. Don't let the lack of confidence screw you up, just take time to review your weaker areas first and then take some more cumulative MC tests.

    Although you don't want to be over-confident, you certainly dont want to be under-confident either. Just use your remaining time wisely and gather as much information as you can. Sitting around and worrying will do nothing but hurt you on exam day.


    Thank you guys, I will study HARDDDD for the next two days. hopefully i will adds up some points. I still have the flashcards to be reviewed. btw, any suggestions on studying the simulations?


    Obviously haven't looked at the audit stuff yet, but I would just say know the material inside and out and the simulations will be much more manageable. I don't think you can study specifically for the audit sims as much as you can for FAR or REG because there aren't large calculation/JE type things to wrap your head around. I would just review your flashcards and do a lot of MCQ in the mean time.


    Just took the 2nd practice exam


    you guys think im ready?


    @CashEquivalents… I got a 64 (avg) on my second practice exam with Becker and ended up with an 84 on the actual exam. I would say that you are well prepared.

    BEC - Feb 2012: 80
    AUD - Feb 2012: 84
    FAR - Apr 2012: 78
    REG - May 2012: 90

    Thanks Becker!


    ballin, i guess i will just continue to look over becker flash cards until my thursday appointment


    Good luck Cash! I take Audit on Friday.. hopefully I pass because it is my lats section left and I lose FAR on April 30…

    I made a similar score on my becker final exam. 70, 83, 80.. i am pretty stoked about those grades…

    but, good luck again!

    FAR - 75 (Expires April 30, 2012)
    BEC - 74,74,69,83
    AUD - 72,65,70, 4/20 Last Score???
    REG - 69,84

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