AUD Becker Final Exam

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  • #158895

    I just took the Becker Final Exam for Audit.

    My MC scores were 66/70/86 and after working everything out (including Sims and a very conservative WC score), I got a 71.

    I am taking the test on Monday, so I basically have one day to review. Is there still a chance for me to pass?

    Any tips would be greatly appreciated!!

    REG - 91 (10/1/10) // FAR - 82 (10/12/10) // AUD - 94 (10/18/10) // BEC - 80 (10/26/10)
    Becker Student in California


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  • #255008

    your scores look good how were you doing when you first did the homeworks Im on A1 and Im getting killed?

    FAR: 7/17/10 missed exam FML reschedule 8/29/10-77 EPIC!
    REG: 5/31/11-73 SMH, 8/31/11-85
    BEC: 4/15/10-72 : retake 10/3/10-80
    AUD: 11/28/10-74, 02/27/11-71 FML, 8/1/11-80
    Ethics 10/22/22-80, retake 11/28/11 - 88


    I scored in the low 70's for FAR and ended up with an 88. If the same holds true for Audit, you will be fine ; )

    FAR 88 - BEC 86 - AUD 90 - REG 85


    There's a lot of swing to how the practice exams go. First off using the scoring method they provide everything is worth 1 point. We all know that isn't true for the exam.

    My FAR swung 20 points upward.

    AUD swung 10-15 points upward.

    I don't average in the sims because I never received anything like what I saw in the practice world.

    Most people would say the practice exams provided by any study material is going to be harder than what you see on the actual exam.

    With a score like 71 I would say you are ready. The best advice for audit test day is read all of the 4 options. Sometimes two answers will be correct, but one is truly the better option.

    Good luck.

    FAR - 87
    AUD - 88
    BEC - 88
    REG - waiting


    You should fine if you can understand why you got the answers wrong after reviewing them.

    AUD has a higher score that is necessary to pass when compared to FAR. However, I think you should be fine with those final test practice scores.

    The key to AUD is really careful reading.

    FAR 92 - AUD 91 - REG 94 - BEC 86


    Hi there,

    The Becker finals are generally harder than the real thing. What I did with the Becker finals in all sections so far was to review the ones I got wrong on the final and take notes on them. I tried to understand why I made the mistakes, i.e. didn't recall the information, an improper calculation, failure to apply concepts, etc. I would use my mistakes as learning opportunities. Obviously you already know everything you got right. See if there is any common denominator among the items you missed, like similar topic areas in which you are weak, a lack of understanding about something, etc. This will guide you in your final study push toward your exam. Then you can take some focused progress tests after reviewing the items you missed.

    With a conservative overall score of 71, you're sitting well heading into the exam.

    Good luck! I see that your study schedule is quite rigorous with three exams in the same window – wow!

    FAR - 94 (7/10)
    AUD - 99 (8/20)
    REG - 99 (10/15)
    BEC - 88 (11/20)


    For becker final exams I averaged around a 73-76 for the MCQ's.

    I would say your are in good shape. Just stay calm and believe in your self.

    AUD 89
    BEC 84
    FAR 87
    REG 94!! ALL DONE

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