Are 2011 Becker FAR flash cards worth it?

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  • #161124

    I purchased the AUD and BEC Becker flash cards and found them moderately useful; how is FAR? I will be studying for two solid months, so maybe they would be good to keep fresh?

    Any advice would be appreciated!

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  • #291654

    I used the 2008 version for FAR for 2nd qtr 2011 (library sale!). Not ideal but they helped me hammer home some of the points. I just went through and wrote updates on the cards and then supplemented a few of my own for the IFRS stuffs.

    B - 11/10: 79
    A - 10/10: 81
    R - 2/11: 77
    F - 5/11: 83 <--- DONE!!!!!!!!!!


    Get them if you can ,they are definitely useful. I take my exam at noon, can't wait to get FAR over with!

    AUD - 92 [5/31/11]
    FAR - ___ [8/1/11]
    BEC - 85 [8/31/11]
    REG - ___ [10/17/11]


    Good luck SRT8

    I found the Becker flashcards to be the most useful for AUD, which noncoindidentally had the least amount of calculations and tested more on theory.

    BEC - 86
    AUD - 94
    REG - 88
    FAR - 89


    I found all 4 parts extremely useful. very easy to break down by section on areas that needed more concentration. And i also bought colored 3×5 notecards to make my own for stuff that was not on the cards. You can buy them at staples and they are pretty much the same colors as the Becker cards to keep them organized.

    I am not sufficiently stuck on myself to list my scores on my signature.

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