Third REG Retake – Advice?

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  • #1688588

    So got a 74 on REG 2nd time taking it. First time, I got a 62, so I did bring it up quite a bit but not quite enough. My score report said I was comparable in everything except Individuals and Property Transactions and that I was weaker in MC but comparable in sims. My plan is to review it all but start by focusing on my weaker areas and then reviewing the other sections, obviously, not assuming that I already know that or I’m kind of guaranteeing that I fail again.

    Anyone have any other advice?

    And, as a possible confidence booster, if you’ve been in this same situation, did you pass the next retake and by how much?


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  • #1688600

    I'm in the same situation. I passed the other 3 parts and will retake REG sometime in February. This time I take notes and review it again and again. I plan to do all the MCQs until I feel exhausted. Make sure there is no hole in any topic.


    REG is the only test I have passed on my first try. I honestly would suggest. you master I mean Master, TAX! anything relating to tax, corp, partnership, individual property transaction. etc… If you master tax the business law part of it you can wing it with your prior knowledge from your other two tests. I basically skip all of business law lecturs (which I don't recommend doing) and skim through it two days before the test, but knew all the tax left and right. I passed with 82. Good luck!


    Thanks! That's pretty much what I thought. Basically, just going to run tax questions for the next 3 weeks.

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