Research questions

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  • #1442441

    Hi All, I had been out of school for a very long time but would like to try the CPA exam again. I have never learned how to do research questions – to find the right tax code sections. Can anyone tell me how I should start? Do I have to study the whole code sections? Memorize them? It seems quite impossible… any suggestions would be appreciated.


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  • #1442967

    Search using key words. It took me anywhere from 10-20 minutes to find the answer. You may get 40 hits and have to look to find the right one. Sometimes you'll luck out and find it in the first few hits.

    AUD - 74, 99 !!
    REG - 74, 92
    BEC - 83
    FAR - 73, 86

    Studying for Ethics exam

    California candidate
    Business and Industry


    Yeah, don't study them. Just get familiar with how the system works. They are generally pretty easy. Out of the five exams I took that had a research, my second audit was the only one I felt like I got wrong (and probably pushed me over the limit as far as failing goes!). I had never even looked at a FAR research question when I went in there. I was familiar with the format they give since I had already passed REG and AUD, but I didn't even really know the proper formatting, but it was easy to figure out.

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