I got an email confirming I can sit on the day of expiration and be OK – WHEW!
Good morning Ms. Moyer,
You can take it on the day the part expires and you will be ok.
Thank you,
Linda L. Rhew
Administrative Officer
Maryland Board of Public Accountancy
Maryland Department of Labor, Licensing & Regulation
500 N. Calvert Street 3rd Floor
Baltimore, MD. 21202
410-230-6258 (office)
410-962-8482 (fax)
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On Mon, Mar 26, 2018 at 8:53 PM, Pamela Moyer <plevy16@hotmail.com> wrote:
Hello Ms. Rhew,
I have just received my NTS for FAR. I have one section, REG that expires on 4/20/18. Can I take FAR on 4/20/18 and if I pass, does that save REG from expiring or do I have to take and pass FAR BEFORE 4/20/18?
I looked online and it wasn't clear cut and I know it varies by state