Looking to pass all sections before October 26, 2018

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  • #1797955

    Hi, I am looking for suggestions for an order to take the exams. I planned to take FAR the first week of June, but not my application will not be processed in time in order to take it… so its looking like I will be waiting to take that until July. I am wondering if anyone has suggestions for what order to take the rest after that? I do not start work until the last week of October and would like to try and crank them all out before I begin working.

    I’ll take all the help i can get!!!

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  • #1797967

    Great decision! I did the same. I would take FAR ASAP, let's assume that's the first week of July. I would take AUD next, probably the first week of August, then BEC the first/second week of September – right before the testing window closes. Finally, REG right before you start in October. Good luck!


    Seriously genius idea. I made the mistake of only passing one before starting at a Big4, and really struggled to pass them while working. (I know some people can do it – but it wasn't working too well for me). Good luck! I think that order that @superdude3000 recommended was good. I just took REG last and kind of regret that as I have 3 years in Audit, so I wish I saved the “easiest” for last…


    Superdude's advice is good. It's a good goal and definitely achievable.


    Good luck with that…you've got your work cut out for you! Starting with FAR is definitely a good idea, that's all I'm going to say.


    Plan sounds good. I need to be on something like this, too much time, give too many opportunities to procrastinate. I've bombed far already, but I can start with Reg. Uggghhh, I need motivation.

    It begins with a 75
    Been here too long as a cheerleader....ready to pass

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