for CA applicant, question about exam selection

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  • #1687445

    I was just qualified by CBA and reading this words in the exam selection tab, I’m very confused.
    Planning to sit for BEC on March and FAR on July, and so on. According to the cba, do I have to select all four sections in order to get NTS number? But, it seems like I only have nine months since it says “You will have a period of nine months in which to sit for those sections.” in the paragraphs that I copied and pasted below. Please help. Do I just select BEC and FAR and have to REAPPLY to the CBA with another application fee?

    “Important: Once section fee payment has been made to NASBA, additional exam sections may not be added to that specific ATT. For additional exam sections, submission of a new application to the Board, including payment of the reapplication fee is required.

    Once NASBA receives the fee(s) for all of the selected sections, NASBA will send you a Notice to Schedule (NTS). Information provided on the NTS is needed when you contact Prometric to schedule your testing date(s) and time(s). You will have a period of nine months in which to sit for those sections. Therefore, when making your selection, you should consider choosing the number of sections that you anticipate sitting for within this nine-month period. The Board has been informed that NASBA will not refund section fees. Visit for additional information on payment of section fees.”

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  • Author
  • #1687493

    Hi There,

    Exciting to be starting your CPA Journey, isn't it? Anyways, you are correct good sir or madam in that the ATT is only good for nine months. So, let's say you go with your plan and you want to take BEC and FAR by July. Then go ahead and select those two tests when the CA Website gives you the option to do so. However, and this is very important, if you only select those 2 tests then you will only be able to take those 2 tests when you receive your NTS. No additional exams may be purchased at that time.

    You may be wondering, “What?! Then do I have to resubmit the application and the $50 re-application fee to take the other tests?” and the answer is Yes! But, the approval process will be much quicker at that time and they will not need to have your academic records as they will keep that on file.

    But, if you are feeling really ambitious, you can select all 4 exams and try to complete them in the nine months period if you do not want to spend another $50 for the application fee (this 9 months period is obviously different from the rolling 18 months to complete the whole CPA).



    Thank you for your kind answer. I just applied for those two first, then will resubmit the application as you said. Thanks again!

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