Exam Sequence?

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  • #1814503

    Which exam does everyone generally take first? FAR or REG? And also what order does one recommend taking the remaining exams?


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  • #1814521

    The consensus around here is FAR, AUD, then a toss up between BEC and REG. Depending on how many exams you want to take this year, it may be a good idea to try and take REG this year before the new tax starts being tested in 2019. That's assuming that you have some familiarity with the current tax law that would make REG a little easier for you to take this year.


    @cpa002 AUD naturally follows FAR because the AUD concepts require a base knowledge of FAR, like you would retain if you had just sat for it. From what I've heard of BEC, it is such a random catchall exam that it can be taken whenever because it is the catchall. The specific order depends on your comfort level with materials and what risk you want to take. If you take your weakest or the “hardest” first, your 18 month clock won't start until you've cleared what you think is your biggest hurdle.


    The order I sat in is below but I recommend REG, FAR, AUD, BEC. Two biggest sections done first, AUD is best after FAR and BEC is best after those two – BEC has some overlap with formulas in FAR and AUD and IT related to AUD. Also saving the smallest section for last will be a big motivator, I did FAR last and was heavily burnt out by the time I sat

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