1. Scheduling – know what works best for you – I'm not a morning person, so I scheduled for 1pm on all of them. It allowed me to get enough sleep and eat a good breakfast on exam day.
2. Time budget – not as important in beginning, but crucial on exam day. It keeps you from not having enough time for SIMS.
3. Be prepared – The week before, I printed extra copies of my NTS and kept them in my car, in case I forgot the day of. The week before my first exam, I drove to the Prometric site and took the tour. The more familiar you are with how to get there and your testing surroundings, the better you feel about it.
4. The day before – do as little review as possible. I usually tested on Sundays or Mondays. I did my best to have review done Saturday night/Sunday morning. Getting a good night's sleep is so important too.
Test Day:
1. No studying or MCQs on test day. If you don't know it on exam day, it's too late.
2. Leave your cell phone in the car before you go into Prometric – don't even put it in your locker. I saw one person get their exam voided because they forgot and looked at their cellphone during a break, out of habit.
3. Look/listen to something relaxing/uplifting/funny for a few minutes in the car before going in. It helps you to stay relaxed and fight anxiety.
4. Breaks – again, know what works best for you. I took at least one break every exam – especially from the last testlet to the SIMS. My brain needed the rest. On FAR, I wound up taking a break between every testlet (you do have to watch the clock more, so plan accordingly).
5. Use the 10 minutes before the questions start to write down as many acronyms, notes, etc. but make them short – don't take up all of your noteboards.
BEC - 88 8/29/15
REG - 82 11/14/15
AUD - 83 1/8/16
FAR - 80 2/29/16