bad news about my NTS

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  • #854053

    Just found out that they still haven’t processed my transcripts that I sent 3.5 weeks ago. This means I probably won’t get my nts for another 8 weeks..I had a set plan in mind of when I wanted to take each exam in order to finish them all before the April change, but that is definitely not happening now. Super bummed out and now just really hoping I can get my first exam done this window. I guess I have time to kill now. How long did it take your application to be processed and when did you get your NTS?

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  • #854064

    Just because you don't have your NTS doesn't mean you can't start studying. I would recommend getting started.


    @bet10 Don't worry, I've been studying since the day I sent in the application haha


    BEC -> REG -> AUD -> FAR

    ^ BEC and REG will change ALOT. The other 2 not as much. Focus on that and you don't have to worry. Also like the other guy said, plan ahead. NTS does not dictate when you should study. I made the mistake :') Its ok. Whatever. Move on.


    @SenseiSkinhead I'm doing REG > BEC > AUD > FAR (still a little up in the air about the last two). I'm doing REG first since I'll have so much time to study. I was going to try to squeeze BEC in right at the beginning of December, but that doesn't seem possible now


    Do you have your NTS emailed to you? I'm not sure how long it takes to process transcripts but just in general when I would apply for exams I would receive my NTS in my email within a week of registering for whatever parts I signed up for.


    @AnnuityDue it's my first application so they said it could take up to 6 weeks on top of the time it takes to process the transcripts…so like 10 weeks :/


    The CA BOA had my documents received but then they just didn't get processed any further. I called once and they said it takes time. Finally after about 4 weeks I called back and happened to get the supervisor/manager. He was really upset because it was an error by someone there. He had it approved within the day.

    So the moral of the story is if they haven't processed it by the end of Monday call and inquire again. Sometimes it is a normal delay and sometimes it isn't. In my case the supervisor was working on applications that had been sent two weeks after mine.


    What state are you in? Virginia processed my application and sent me my NTS in under two weeks, even though they told me to expect it to take much longer.


    @allison213 I'm in Ohio & I really hope I get lucky like that! Would love to knock out REG & BEC this window. Was that your first application that processed that quick?

    PS I love the order you took/are taking your tests!


    @industryCPA yes that was my initial application. I think I got lucky and it's usually not quite that fast, but I also think they tend to exaggerate how long it will take so people aren't calling them all the time. Hopefully you get yours soon!

    I didn't plan my tests to spell “BARF” but it is appropriate lol


    I applied for my NTS 5/29/16 I did not receive it until about mid September. Due to numerous discrepancies with NASBA looking at the wrong transcripts sent to them and them saying I was education deficient. If you sent in the proper stuff you should get your NTS in about 8 weeks. I ended up studying for BEC from July all the way up to the week of my test. It is horrible to think you're going to get your NTS at any moment and then you don't receive it. Til you get it just keep studying and it should all work its self out.

    BEC – 10/1/201
    AUD – Late November or First week of December
    Reg – TBD
    FAR – TBD

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