Advice on taking the CPA exam?

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  • #1509844

    Hi! I am planning to take the CPA exam within the next 10 months, I haven’t applied to the board or registered for the sections yet (have to wait until may). Should I start studying as soon as possible? or wait until I get approved and have a set date for the exam? How should I space the sections? What can I do to maximise my chances of passing all sections within the next 10 months?

    I would appreciate any advice or tips on the CPA exam.

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  • #1509954

    I personally would wait until you get approved, which for first time applicants can take up to 6 weeks to get your NTS. I find it easier to plan out my study schedule when I know when I am taking the exam. I started studying for FAR before I had it planned and ended up not being very productive for me, I studied over a 4 month window which I think was too much time.

    I wouldn't start studying for an exam unless you know you will be taking it in the next 2-3 months.


    My advice is to try to minimize your studying time as much as possible for each part. Meaning, if you are doing a review program with videos, find the amount of time you will spend watching the videos and give yourself 2-3 hours per hour of video for reading and homework. Next also build in a day per week to go back and review the material from the week. Give yourself 4-5 days at the end to do a “final review” to freshen up on the topics. You definitely dont want to study for a section too long because you will begin to forget the material.

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