Yet another Q2 Power Weekend - Page 9

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    I’m in the home stretch of my initial review of FAR.

    Coming up on the schedule for this weekend? Government/NFP Accounting…

    I remember, vaguely, a long time ago (four years ago)…I took a class on this. The ONLY thing I remember is LITERALLY begging for a passing grade after taking the final. I hate this subject with a FIERY burning passion. I wish to destroy it with the force of 10,000 suns, and one more sun for good measure. I would rather spring clean the hell out of my house than re-learn about funds, grants, and whatever the hell else is in this section. May the seven gods be with those who are subject to the torture that is Government/NFP accounting.


    Well in light of my sessions to come this weekend, I’m hoping to put in 16 hours this weekend JUST for this lovely section of accounting. Anyone else putting in serious hours this weekend?

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    @mtaylo24 You've been through this a while, I've seen your name and I can see your progression.

    It's inspiring, just letting you know.

    FAR 74


    @cpamatt Thanks! Both expensive and inspiring. Hopefully we are both done in Aug!

    AUD - 1st - 60 (12/12), 61 (2/13), 61 (8/13), 78! (11/15)
    REG - 55 (2/16) 69 (5/16) Retake(8/16)
    BEC - 71(5/16) Retake (9/16)
    FAR - (8/16)


    Woo-hoo! It's the weekend. A three-day for me so I can get through my Audit review before next weekend. And then it's on to Ninja MCQs until my May 22 test. I'm so glad the weather here is going to suck so it's not so depressing staying inside to study. The CPA exam makes me hate beautiful Spring days.


    Hey guys, I will finish learning the chapters for REG next week. Next week I will also be graduating college so I expect I will not get as much study time. That aside, I feel like the more I learn, the more I forget in previous chapters. Watching lectures is more of a grind for me so I can't wait to just get into the review stage so I can hit MCQ and really just read. When I took BEC I remember this same feeling but I was hoping to get some opinions from you guys as to your study plans, routines, strategies. My strategy is that I go through lectures and just hit MCQ hard and 100% them and mark questions that I believe are tricky. Once review hits I will read the chapter and then go through multiple choice again and maybe redo this process 2 or 3 times. After that I hit progress tests like crazy and make excel spreadsheets on the areas I'm weakest. After a few progress tests I may go back to my marked questions or reread or both! Reading the material for me after what I know is important sticks for me really well. Then I'll do the Becker Final exams once a week for 2 weeks of the review. I'm currently on track and meeting current goals but I feel like this is a snails pace and really looking forward to review. Just feeling a little down so hoping for some discussion on how you guys feel as well as strategy.


    Hello, Power Weekenders! I'm in for another. How 'bout you?

    I finished up Estates & Trusts yesterday – first time ever I got a 95 on a SIM. So, that felt good. I'll finish up Noncorporate Business Entities tomorrow and get started on Corporations on Sunday. I'm actually ahead of schedule, which is good because who knows what the remaining five chapters have in store for me.

    @alloutofkuai: If you're on track and you have a reasonable level of comfort with the material, I say keep doing what you're doing. When are you sitting for REG? I'm not familiar with Becker. I'm using Gleim and my strategy is to read the sub-units, answer the book multiple choice questions, then answer the online MCQs. I really take my time with the MCQs and refer back to the text for clues. I do 10 per sub-unit. Then I do 20 MCQs for the entire unit, still taking my time. Then I do another 20 and strive to complete them quickly. Each time, I take notes on the answers I'm given. Then I go through the focus questions(true/False). Finally, I take adaptive quizzes and SIMS. Lectures are generally not helpful for me, so I tend to skip them. For final review I will revisit the chapters/topics where my scores were weak and attempt to raise my comfort level. So, far there are three of them – dratted Property Transactions, S Corps and Securities Law. With my current work schedule, it typically takes me 3-4 days to complete a study unit.

    This exam is grind like nothing I've ever experienced. It frequently amazes me. But, this grind is going to make me a CPA, so I try to take it in stride.

    Hang in there and stay mindful of the end goal.

    FAR: 80 (10/28/2016)
    AUD: 85 (2/6/2017)
    REG: DSIT (Dragon Slayer in Training) (5/31/2017)
    BEC: DSIW (Dragon Slayer in Waiting) (7/2017)


    I'm in…it's going to be tricky though. I have so much stuff going on this weekend. My exam is scheduled for next weekend and I didn't finish studying Thursday night (and haven't done anything all day today). As a result, I'm sitting up here wondering if I should push my exam out another week just to be safe. But, while I decide…I'm going to drink this coffee and work through the scheduled mcqs that I missed for both Thursday(60) and Friday(75).

    I'm tired of operating in fear and mediocrity. It's time to try. It's time to do. It's time to go.


    I'm in only for one day this weekend.

    My exam is Sunday at noon, and at this point, I”m not even sure what to do. More MCQs? A few SIMS? Have a drink? Say a prayer?


    In for 240-300 questions this weekend in FAR. Start reviewing 10 days before exam next Friday and should be good to go.


    @KGREEN there is nothing wrong with pushing the exam back. I had to push mine back (again). My daughter came home from college sick, she had several tests ran ALL NEGATIVE, Thank God. It's been a battle to not give up all together, but I want to pass, so I stopped pacing myself with everyone else and I'm doing what's best for me. I almost stopped posting on the forum because I felt so shame for doing this for so long, but hey it's my life. So if you're not ready, push it back and study to be ready.
    My daughter is doing much better,(more good days than bad), but driving me nuts trying to be a spoiled brat (the other disadvantage of parenting), and I have to pay the rent on her apartment because she couldn't finish the semester, not to mention I have three more children in college (yes! four at the same time while trying to meet my own career goal).
    So I'm doing sims that come with the mcq's and actually flowing through them. I guess that means I am retaining more than I expected.(yayyyy)
    My point is: life is what it is, we have to make the best of it and keep it movin. So pushing the test back is a choice you have to make in order to pass.
    It's gonna be a good study weekend, I can feel it. 🙂

    It begins with a 75
    Been here too long as a cheerleader....ready to pass


    Finishing up governmental accounting today (hopefully) then starting to review tomorrow. 1 month til my exam!


    Today didn't go exactly as planned, but I did make good progress. I had planned to finish Noncorporate Business Entities today. But the phone rang – which never happens – and it was a friend in need. So, I lost some time. No big setback, though. I'll have to do the quizzes/SIMs tomorrow – and start on Corporations. I'm still a little ahead of schedule.

    @TurboSandwichCPA: Best wishes for you on FAR tomorrow. I'm rooting for you!

    : I hope your coffee & MCQs combo went well. (Usually works well for me!) Do you think you'll sit for AUD on the 7th or push it back?

    I'll check back in tomorrow. Good studies to all.

    FAR: 80 (10/28/2016)
    AUD: 85 (2/6/2017)
    REG: DSIT (Dragon Slayer in Training) (5/31/2017)
    BEC: DSIW (Dragon Slayer in Waiting) (7/2017)


    @Floreat Hey thanks for responding back to me! I will take my REG exam on May 27th. I am finishing up learning my last section this week but will have problems due to my family being here all weekend for graduation!! Since I basically study full time, I watch the lectures which kills my motivation. Can't wait to really hit my review! I feel like I know the stuff decently on my first time through MCQ because I will score 60-70% right after watching lectures. Then I will go back through and 100% the material by learning from the questions I got wrong because the lectures and book sometimes do not cover what the MCQ asks. Learning from my mistakes really helps me soak in what I need to know. By doing MCQ I create a box (aka an outline) of what's important and then I read and redo all MCQ to fill information into the box. I believe I saw your test will be right around mine, correct?


    @alloutofkuai: Yes – I'm testing on the 31st. I have five more chapters to go before I circle back to my weak areas. It's really encouraging to hear your enthusiasm! I think that's a good sign, indeed. I really study the answers, too – even the ones I get right to make sure I got them right for the right reasons. I'm sure your family will understand if you can't spend as much time with them as you'd like. So, sneak away as much as you need to to stay on track. Good luck to you on your exams and congratulations on graduation!

    Well, that's a wrap for my power weekend. I finished up Noncorporate Entities and got started on Corporations but didn't really make a dent in the material. I'll be back at it first thing in the morning. Hopefully, we'll all be back here next weekend. Have a good week everyone.

    FAR: 80 (10/28/2016)
    AUD: 85 (2/6/2017)
    REG: DSIT (Dragon Slayer in Training) (5/31/2017)
    BEC: DSIW (Dragon Slayer in Waiting) (7/2017)


    @Floreat Regardless of how it may seem right now, this is a wonderful time in our lives. WE are learning, WE are growing, WE are moving forward even if it's just a small step at a time. I do not fear failing because it is just another opportunity to better myself. The purpose of these forums is that we can support eachother against the hardest truths. Thank you and I look forward to seeing you post more as you go through this. WE can do this!


    Same time next week, folks?

    This time I'll be in for a full round of BEC (ugh)

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