Yeager REG Prep Time?

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  • #159531

    I just switched to Yeager this year. I believe I remember Jeff said in his Reg forum that prep time was 6-8 weeks? In the Yeager DVD’s it said 3 months. I’ve been following Yeager’s recommended studying so far of 1-2 hours of lecture Mon-Thur and 8 hours of studying combined on the weekend. Should I step this up as I scheduled my test for February 25th. 2-4 hours Mon-Thurs? What is everyone else’s study schedule?

    Another quick question but what does everyone usually study at work or on quick breaks. I was thinking about just doing flashcards. It would be nice if Wiley made an android app like they do with iphone for their test bank. Any ideas?

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  • #268587

    I am using Yeager too and early in individual Phil does say 3 months however later on he does calculate out the hours and says around 2 months which is 8 weeks. There is a lot of material so probably depending on your responsiblities is why he at first said 3 months. I've been doing basically 2 hrs a day since xmas time…I just completed Corporations last night. Tonight I'm going to do all Corp questions that Phil recommended. Then finish up tax on the weekend. I bet he's going to tell us too do all tax questions and sims before starting biz law which I plan to do anyway.

    Tax is so boring to me at least some parts I feel like i'm zoning out and other parts i'm like what the —- is he talking about? I think once I go over the questions many times and re review the book should be ok…I have becker 2010 flash cards that I may look over from time to time.

    Other than that Phil says ONLY do questions he recommends. He even said not to do the Wiley test bank questions lol…I've been doing some at work on my downtime. I dont think it will hurt to do the extra questions but i will definitley just focus on the questions on the handout during the last few weeks of my review.


    DJERZ75 – Looks like you are a bit father than me. I just started studying this week and have only done one lecture with the review of the questions from the previous lectures. I just finished with recognizing installment income. The incentive stock option plans confused me a little and I needed to rewatch that section a couple times for clarification.

    Tax is actually really interesting to me as I have been doing taxes for a few years now and definitely want to expand my knowledge. I really want to get some clients of my own going after I get licensed so there is extra incentive.

    I do love how Phil says to only do questions that he recommends. I really really like how he goes through actually questions during his lecture. I don't knock Becker at all but Phil's method so far has kept me on the ball. I know this is only my first week but honestly I actually enjoy watching the lectures as I feel like I am learning and not just memorizing.

    I probably need to step up my study time to 2 hours of lecture. I'll probably keep my normal 30-45 minutes of reviewing prior questions as well as re writing my notes. Either way I am pretty happy with Yeager so far.


    In general I have a hard time focusing on the lectures but I do like Phil and how each video is only 1 hour. I somehow passed FAR on the first try just using the Wiley book and used Yaeger Cram for AUD and BEC and passed so I figured since this is my last section i'd give the homestudy a go.

    Phil says they ask lots on Corps and Partnerships so we will definitley have to make sure we know those in and out. Although its impossible to know everything. I”m stressing out I just want this over like everyone else…So close but yet so far away!

    What type of taxes do you do?

    I do my own thats about it 🙂 …Seems like you may have an advantage on this exam which is always a plus.

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