Yaeger CPA Review vs. Other CPA Review Courses - Page 2

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  • #156670

    I have in the past used Becker to try and pass the exam with no luck, currently trying a Lambers in class course to pass it, however, found out my BEC score and it was lower than studying on my own with Becker. I am currently looking at going to a different study course and Yaeger looks to be one that may help, but I am looking for anyone that has used a previous review course and took Yaeger and passed it and how they feel Yaeger was better than the other course.

    Created with Compare Ninja

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  • #210641

    Hey Jeff- I ordered yaeger far homestudy. Can you tell me how to watch them in 1.3x speed? Thanks.


    What media player do you use to watch your DVDs?


    ummmmmm when i tried the sample video they had on the website my windows media player popped up.


    hmmm thanks i'll see if I have win dvd or try and download it, if not I can ask our IT guy at work for help, haha!


    I've just started using Yaeger and the audio isn't loud enough. I've used 2 different players. I've never had this problem with audio on anything else I've used.

    Any suggestions?


    Yes, I turned the volume on the player and computer as loud as it would go. I have a pair of headphones with volume booster so I plugged those in and I can hear it better now


    I can hear it now, thanks for responding Jeff!


    JEFF/everyone else – has anyone used the Yaeger Homestudy for BEC?? I've used the CRAM as a supplemental while using Bisk materials but received a 69, 73, 72 on my last 3 attempts on BEC. I'm seriously mulling over turning to the Homestudy and had a conversation with Phil this afternoon and he suggested it.

    I'm just wondering has anyone out there used the Homestudy? IF so, was it helpful and would you recommend it??

    thanks ya'll.


    I have used Yaeger homestudy for BEC and i found it very helpful. I did not use the cram , so I have no idea of how much the difference in material is b/w the cram and home study. Phil has always been very helpful when i called him and I think the Cost and Managerial accounting has been explained very well in the home study.


    The second time I took FAR, I used a combo of Becker at home and listened to the Yaeger CRAM in the car every day during my commute (30-45 minutes each way). This was really helpful because even if I wasn't able to completely focus on the Yaeger lectures for every moment of the drive, enough of it sank in and I raised my score 15 points.


    I've just ordered HomeStudy for FARE… Becker did absolutely nothing for me in this section – I am just not great in financial accounting. (I did easily passed BEC and AUD with Becker, and probably will continue with it for REG).

    Just talked to Phill – what an amazing guy! Will try and defeat the monster in a month…


    I am using the yaeger FAR homestudy. Does anyone else find it as confusing and all over the place as I do? All i am doing is reviewing multiple choice questions with the instructors, where is the actual outline of the concepts and teaching of the material, rules, etc? Also, do I need to read the Wiley book b/c in the lecture they just flip from 1 page to another. How is it even possible to go back and review the concepts? Help….


    There are not many notes to take, Phil just keeps reading the multiple choice questions and answers. Well i'm on the second cd, so maybe in later cd's.


    Point One: I passed FAR with Yaeger HomeStudy and I think it was all the MCQs that Phil and Cindy go through with you that helped me pass. Don't discount that method. Point Two: Don't worry, the DVDs start out slow because they are going over the most boring topics (Module 7, ugh) – but they pick up after that. Just watch the lectures, take hella notes, and do the MCQ homework (a couple of times) and you will be fine.

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