Yaeger CPA Review vs. Other CPA Review Courses

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  • #156670

    I have in the past used Becker to try and pass the exam with no luck, currently trying a Lambers in class course to pass it, however, found out my BEC score and it was lower than studying on my own with Becker. I am currently looking at going to a different study course and Yaeger looks to be one that may help, but I am looking for anyone that has used a previous review course and took Yaeger and passed it and how they feel Yaeger was better than the other course.

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  • #210625

    I just passed FAR and BEC on first try using only Wiley books. They are less than $40 each on Amazon.com and they seem to work for me.


    I raised my REG score by 31 points by switching from Bisk to Yaeger HomeStudy. Also, I have heard great things about the BEC Yaeger HomeStudy – Cindy Simpson teaches (most of?) it and she is an absolute gem of a professor!

    Yaeger is great because of the lectures (it's like going to class, they teach *concepts* not memorization!). They also go through tons of MCQs with you. They use the Wiley books, which do have some errors in them but the Yaeger instructors are pretty good about telling you about the errors. The Wiley MCQs are pretty difficult and will definitely prepare you for the test.


    I used Yeager Cram for my latest REG test. I scored a 72 with Gleim and just needed a few points. So I purchased the Yeager Cram and Wiley book and passed with an 83!


    Hey guys, I got a 60 on FAR using becker. I have passed the other 3 sections. Do you recommend that I use the Yaeger cram or the homestudy? Do you think if I just use the Cram that will help me enough? thanks


    I did one of the live cram courses one time. I thought it was worthwhile, but WAY too informal. Are there review courses presented this way also?

    BEC 71,77
    REG 65,85
    FAR 7/1/13
    AUD 8/24/13


    Did you pass zooyuka?


    No I did not. I've primarily been using Becker. I am at a crossroads and am not really sure what to do. I've gone over the Becker material so many times. On BEC and REG I cannot get higher than a 68. I have Becker's videos and questions down well enough to pass when I go to take the exam I feel. I am a HORRIBLE test taker I am not sure if I should keep with Becker or give something else a chance.

    BEC 71,77
    REG 65,85
    FAR 7/1/13
    AUD 8/24/13


    I was using Becker for BEC and got a 60. Do you think if I get the Wiley book that would be enough or should I be getting s/t else.


    My problem is that I thought i was well prepared for the exam…I was doing ok on the MCQ.


    Hi Jeff,

    I failed BEC twice with a 71 using Becker only. I went ahead and purchased the Yaeger CRAM with the Wiley book. Do you think that's enough or should I get the homestudy as well? Does the homestudy basically just have more video?



    Thanks Jeff, I will try the homestudy. I'm just nervous about starting a whole new review course but I need to do something drastic to help my score. I knew most of the becker book inside and out and I was doing well on the mcq too however when I was taking the exam I knew that I wasn't doing well. I'm guessing each yaeger video goes over a section in the book? How many dvd's are there to watch?


    That's not too bad, becker had 9 to watch. i'm going to order it tonight after work, thanks! Once I pass this last one i'm definately sending you a "coffee" donation on me!


    Is there a discount if I passed 2 exams already?


    when does the discount show…because i am up to the page were it says order confirmation and the discount is still not applied


    I've heard (I haven't taken Becker so don't know for sure) that Becker is geared more toward people straight out of college who know most of the concepts, but just need to know what to study hard and how to memorize it. If you actually need to re-learn or learn the material for the first time, I've heard that Becker is not as good.

    Yaeger also has a one time discount called the 'second chance' discount for if you have used another review program first. You have to call to get it and it's $200 which would bring your total to $305 shipped/

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