Yaeger CPA Review 2013 HomeStudy

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    Edit – This sale/promotion has expired. Some other offers to check out:

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  • #256913

    Thats twice now that I've ordered and within a week another promo was released to save another $50 bucks. I do love the product, but this frustrates me. Especially this time. I “pre-ordered” the product almost a month to make sure I was able to take advantage of the “this years product at last years price” promo. Now two days after receiving the product there is a better “pre-order” promo for the product that has already been shipped.

    Again, I am not knocking the product. I absolutely love the teaching style. I still intend to purchase my two remaining parts down the line. It is just irritating that there is a better deal out there when I committed to the purchase before the product was even completed.

    BEC 71,77
    REG 65,85
    FAR 7/1/13
    AUD 8/24/13


    I know I benefited from the pre-order. I just don't like the fact that a better deal came out 2 days after I received my order that I ordered early. Oh well, it is what it is. I am still happy with my purchase and they are still my study program of choice.

    BEC 71,77
    REG 65,85
    FAR 7/1/13
    AUD 8/24/13


    I'm thinking about returning my Bisk materials and getting Yaegar. I paid $700 for two sections of Bisk (AUD and BEC). I'm waiting for my REG score and re-take FAR on 11/30, so I'm hoping not to need materials for REG or FAR.

    Should I order 2 single sections (AUD and BEC) or

    Should I wait until I get my REG score and just order the complete set if I fail it?

    If I order the complete set do they accept returns of sections if you don't need them and are unopened?

    I'm also kind of nervous to get Yaeger because I have gotten really close with Bisk and am now getting comfortable with some of the harder material……………………….. I don't know which way to go.

    AUD-69,72 Retake April 2011
    BEC-67,69 Retake May 2011
    FAR-58,70 Retake (02/28/11)
    REG-68 Retake (01/14/11)


    @jilocke….I don't know anything about Bisk. I've use Becker for a couple of years and have recently have converted to Yaeger. I kept sticking with Becker because I was getting close as well. Plenty of 72,73, and 74 scores.

    I will be sitting for BEC this Tuesday. Since I have been using Yaeger my understanding of the material has greatly improved. I am more confident going into this exam than I have ever been.

    BEC 71,77
    REG 65,85
    FAR 7/1/13
    AUD 8/24/13


    I'm thinking hard about snagging Yaeger, I just have a few questions.

    1. I just got done taking FAR and BEC, but I'm not super confident in either score. I'd like to be able to take advantage of the all 4 part discount, but I might not need them all if I did pass either FAR or BEC (or both if I'm really lucky). What should I do?

    2. Does the $1095 package come with lectures too? And is the MC given kind of like Becker where you don't see the answer until you click on it?

    3. How many computers can this be installed on at one time? Or are the lectures just playable videos off the thumb drive and the questions online or in a book?


    Awesome, thanks for the quick reply Jeff.

    I'm just curious about the number installs as a fail safe – in case say my laptop crashes. Is there anyone at Yaeger I could send a message to to verify the question software can be installed on two computers? Oh, and also – do the videos require an install as well or are they just playable off the discs/USB drive?


    Cool, thanks Jeff! I'll be ordering in the next day or two!


    Thanks so much for the info Jeff. The retroactive total package thing is great 🙂 I'm sold. I'll be ordering as soon as I get my REG score next week. Right now I'm working on FAR which I test for on 11/30. Wish me luck!!!!!!! I need it!

    AUD-69,72 Retake April 2011
    BEC-67,69 Retake May 2011
    FAR-58,70 Retake (02/28/11)
    REG-68 Retake (01/14/11)


    PS> Bisk is awful. The actual material is …. ok. But dealing with the company is terrible. Terrible customer service. You have to email and call about ten times (not an exageration) to get anything accomplished. God forbid you have to make a change to your study schedule! Like that ever happens! (Sarcasm intended.) Unfortunately it is the only material my office will pay for. I am to the point where my updates of material have expired and I'm now paying for it myself. It seems like yaeger is really helping others so I may be becoming a “yaeger convert” soon 🙂

    Thanks again Jeff, the site is an awesome resource for CPA candidates.


    AUD-69,72 Retake April 2011
    BEC-67,69 Retake May 2011
    FAR-58,70 Retake (02/28/11)
    REG-68 Retake (01/14/11)


    Just ordered mine today, hope they are shipped soon!


    I ordered the complete package today.

    I re-take FAR in 10 days, not enough time to even use the 2010 FAR materials from Yaeger (according to the lady at Yaeger on the phone), so I'll just have to use Bisk again for the LAST time!

    Here's to Yaeger! Let's hope I achieve some success soon before I go completely insane with desperation.

    Thanks for the discount Jeff 🙂

    AUD-69,72 Retake April 2011
    BEC-67,69 Retake May 2011
    FAR-58,70 Retake (02/28/11)
    REG-68 Retake (01/14/11)


    I'm actually hoping to get FAR sooner than later, I didn't think they had it done yet. I'll check with them though. Thanks again Jeff.


    Hello –

    I have a bit of a financial dilemma. My application was just approved to take the CPA exam in Maryland. I received my NTS and scheduled for FAR on 2/26/11. I want to try studying with Yaeger because I’ve heard such good things about their product. On one hand, it makes sense to order everything just in case. However, as a first-time exam taker, I literally have no clue about what materials will work for me. I’m considering ordering just the individual materials for FAR as well as for IFRS and seeing if Yaeger really works for me. Do you know if Yaeger offers any discounts to people in my situation? $2k seems like an awfully big investment to make up front when I don’t know what will work best for me (I would also be rolling the dice that nothing happens where I’ll need to take time off from studying), but Yaeger also doesn’t appear to offer two-or-three course packages… it’s just one or all.

    Thanks for your help.

    Back at it.

    FAR - 55, 72, 73, May 2016
    AUD - 69, July 2016
    REG - Late 2016
    BEC - Late 2016

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